
Has anybody travelled to cancun in August? Is it safe? is it nice weather in august?

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i am trying to go to Cancun for my birthday (its my 21st) but i'm not sure if we SHOULD go since it's hurricane season. Can anybody tell me if it's okay to go during august? my birthday is in september but i'm in college and don't want to miss any school since it's the beginning of the year, so my friends and i are planning to go around aug. 19-25 Would that be okay? and if not, what's a good place to vacation thats tropical during that time?




  1. I live a couple of hours from Cancun, inland. The question is not whether or not Cancun will be nice weather, it is always nice. During tropical storms it is nice, just wet and windy. The tropical climate is year round. Cancun is not my idea of a vacation though. If you want the disco's and all that then it is Cancun, but if you want a vacation pick the Maya Riviera. Also, you can stay a few days in Valladolid and see the ruins from there. It is incredible.

  2. Aruba is out of the hurricane belt and very tropical. It's a fun place too.

    Here is link to Cancun weather from Aug 19 to Aug 26th. It gives you previous years history dating back to 1996.

    Good Luck and "Happy Birthday" early. Enjoy your day)

  3. YES, but there is always the threat of a hurricane through about mid November in Cancun.  Any of the tropical areas, including Florida and Caribbean are under hurricane watch.  We did not have any problems when we were Cancun, although we did not experience a hurricane.   If you are concerned either have your travel agency call or you call the resort or hotel where you have booked.  Ask them what precautions, etc they have in case a hurricane should land in Cancun.  You have lots of time to get in touch with their tourism department over there.  Ask them to send you any brochures, especially any information regarding shelters, etc that are available during a hurricane.  A number of the tropical areas offer off beach shelters, but I do not know specificially what Cancun offers.  Also, if you are concerned, you can pay for insurance on your flight and maybe even your resort.  That way if it is canceled, you won't have to pay for it.  Again, I have never done that, but that is an option for you.

    I have lived in Florida off and on during my lifetime.  If a hurricane comes, everyone is prepared.  I have never left my house in Florida during a hurricane.

    If you have booked an all inclusive vacation, which includes all your meals and drinks, both alcoholic and other wise, I have a tip.  If drinking wine, beer, or after dinner drinks, you need not be concerned about the alcohol level in them.  However, if you are drinking mixed drinks, remember to tip the bartender or you will basically get a coke with the fumes of rum.  If you cannot feel the alcohol, ask for a shot on the side.

    Do be careful when leaving your hotel, drinking at night.  Check with the desk about any areas that you are thinking about going to, especially at night.  You need to think SAFETY first.

    Happy 21st birthday.  You will have a great time.

  4. it is extremely hot and humid,uncomfortable.and yep it is hurracain season.what about cabo....

  5. All I know is that August in Cancun is VERY hot and VERY humid.

  6. Call the Cancun experts at 1-888-862-3806

  7. Happy Birthday!

    Before moving permanently to Cancun my husband and I would always travel to Cancun at the end of September for my birthday...and not once did we consider NOT traveling to Mexico because of weather. We had our trip delayed and shortened a few times over the years but we just kept coming back! Call us crazy but Mother Nature does what she wants when she wants no matter what time of year.

    Cancun is a tropical desert meaning that we don't actually receive much rainfall...but with ocean and lagoon waters and heat we have very high humidity.

    August is during the "official hurricane season" however historically the most sever storms seem to happen in October. With that being said...Cancun has only had 2.5 "bad" hurricanes in the past 20 or so years and they did happen in the month of October.

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