
Has anybody truthfully bended an element or moved objects with their mind?

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Pleez answer with TOTAL truth! I know it's possible I just don't know how. If anyone knows pleez tell me, thanx!! =D




  1. I have done both of those, and a lot more.

  2. No, nobody has, as far as can be verified. Some wishful thinkers point to Nina Kulagina as an example of someone who could actually move objects with her psychic powers, but there is nothing about Kulagina which would indicate that she wasn't using simple magic tricks. In fact, it was highly suspicious that she required quite a bit of private "prep time" before she would even do any of her tricks. Today, any amateur magician can duplicate her feats with well-known techniques, so if there was any reason before for believing her to be telekinetic, there really isn't any now.

  3. all the science that i have ever read--Say's nope not yet-moving or bending-but it still may be possible in the future

  4. Claims of Macro Psychokinesis (PK) are very controversial. Nina Kulgina (links below) of the former USSR was reportedly able to move objects. Despite the critics no magician under controlled laboratory conditions have been able to replicate her demonstrated abilities.

    That said the USSR was at war with the US and this could possibly have been a misinformation campaign. However, no declassified information from the USSR or USA supports this possibility.

    Uri Geller's (links below) claim are also controversial as that he has been caught cheating. Although many parapsychologist claim that Geller will cheat when given the chance but feel that some of their experiments eliminated the likelihood of his being able to cheat.

    However, effecting small objects (microPK) while still in a state of flux (random number generators, falling dice, etc.) does have some supporting experimental evidence. (links below)

  5. Are you watching the Matrix on A&E too. There is no spoon. I haven't done it yet.

  6. Well, I know everyone is saying that it's not physically possible, but....

    bumblebees fly and that's aeronautically impossible, so there must be some things our physicists have messed up on. We don't know everything.

  7. I would have to see it to believe it.

  8. once i was fighting with my ex boyfriend in the bedroom and he was pushing me around and wouldnt let me out,  the remote control flew across the room and smashed against the wall! he let go in shock then a speaker box fell off the wall above him and split his head open! he was ok just a gash! and it moved him out of the way so i could leave! if it was me it wasnt a purposeful thing, or maybe someone was watching over me or maybe it was a total fluke who knows?

  9. No, sorry, it's NOT possible.  If it were, there would be something HUGE we're missing about physics.  Fortunately, no one has EVER been able to prove they can do this.  EVER.  It doesn't matter how much you might disagree - you'll never be able to find a substantiated case.  If you did, this guy would give you a million bucks.   30 years and still no takers.

  10. How did that get there?

  11. no. a single mind isnt capable of such a feat.

  12. Hello Little

    Yes - a pendulum. Try it.

    It will move what ever way that you wish it to move if you try. It will even stop when you wish it to. This may have to do with subconscious arm movements - try it - see what you experience.


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