
Has anyone EVER gotten pregnant WITHOUT the EWCM?

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I am TTC no. 1 and I just started trying, but I am not sure that I have ever seen the EWCM? Just wondering if anyone has ever conceived with the "LOTION TYPE"-"CREAMY" cm??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  1. Some women get perfectly fine EWCM but they never know it. After all, it's 'cervical mucus' and so it should really be up by the cervix where it's supposed to be! Creamy 'hand-lotion-type' CM can be acidically hostile to sperm, which is why some women use PreSeed or Pré sachets to alter the pH value of their discharge/CM when BD-ing. But yes, many women get pregnant without EWCM or watery CM. If the cervix if open, which it is at the time around ovulation, then those little swimmers can get in!

  2. I never ever know how it looks or feels as i thought i never had it. Im 37weeks pregnant now. It can be deep down side without you know and feel it.

  3. I have been obsessed with EWCM for about a year now, and all my friends with babies--ALL of them--claim to have no idea what I'm talking about, which is comforting.

    Some things to try: PreSeed, FertileCM (both at, Robitussin (plain variety) to thin your mucus if it's too thick, Evening Primrose Oil (this worked for me this month), drinking a lot of water.

    Good luck and don't make yourself TOO crazy.

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