
Has anyone Here gone to Elitch gardens?

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If you have gone to elitch gardens tell me the rides worth going on. and what not to go on




  1. Well, I suppose it's all about what you like. I'm not really a rollercoaster my favourite ride is the spider. But I hear the minderaser (I think that's the name...been a while) is excellent for rollercoaster lovers. I also like the really tall batman ride that spins's kind of a good way to see the whole park. Other than that...the big red slide in the water park is really fun.

    Have fun...tell Denver I said hi.

  2. It's ok just call to make sure it's not under construction, and that it's open.....

  3. I agree with coasteridiot1713

    btw the ride is called MIND ERASER not MIND BENDER

  4. Well,

    The big giant tower which I think is called Tower of Doom or something goes up like 200 feet and then drops you with a lot of power.

    Half Pipe is like a half pipe only your car spins.  It's supposed to be a really great ride.

    Mindbender.  Don't ride it.  Way too rough.  Some people even says it gives you brain damage.

    Boomerang.  Same thing only worse.  Don't ride.

    Sidewinder.  A really good ride that launches and then goes down upside down then back up to do it backwards.

    Twister II.  A wooden coaster that I think is pretty rough but you could ride it if you want.

    Flying Coaster.  I think there taking it down because its so bad.  

    Those are pretty much the only rides I know.

  5. Personally no, I haven't but a little birdy told me to stay away from ' The Mind Eraser "

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