
Has anyone REALLY used bjj in the streets in an actual fight and found that the moves really work?

by  |  earlier

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if yes, after how many weeks or months of training?




  1. I train in bjj and despite what most people say, I have yet to see a fight go to the ground.  I have been in many fights and they were all an all out stand up war.  I can see a fight going to the ground if the opponent is a wrestler, judoka or another bjj practicioner, but outside of that, it's all punches kicks, knees in the clinch, head butts

  2. BJJ does in fact work, but it only works in a one-on-one encounter. I made a guy tap out once when he and I were fighting in the park, but I also had my friends to back me up before I took him to the ground, to make sure nobody else would jump in.


    A friend of mine was once beating a guy using BJJ when all of a sudden, some other guy came from out of nowhere and kicked him in the face.

    You can become proficient in self defense using BJJ within about one month of training. I've met white belts in BJJ that can easily beat black belts in other other styles in a one-on-one fight because BJJ is so easy to learn. After learning BJJ,  I no longer care what belt someone else is in any other style. If I take someone to the ground, they better either know how to grapple or they better have friends to jump in to save them. Gracie Jiu Jitsu is progressive in that it now teaches people to fight standing up and it addresses multiple attacker scenarios, unlike many other BJJ styles.


  4. bjj is very effective. What you learn in class, you can use the next day outside of class. But on the other hand, you don't have to study it, or any grappling art, in order to become proficient in restraining a person. If you've ever seen or been in a schoolyard fight, or just wrestled with friends (as we all have) you'll find that a lot of it is just common sense, a matter of applying your weight to the weaker parts of your opponents body. I'm not a bjj hater, just trying to make a point. I'm sure plenty of people will disagree.

  5. of course they work there is no submissions so u just break the bones.  I got jumped one night and put this guy in an arm lock and completely broke his arm in half.  obviously i won the fight after that

  6. You've already gotten two good answers to your question.

    I can suggest that you watch Gracie (Brazilian) Jiu Jitsu fights... Goto youtube and type "royce gracie"; "roger gracie"; etc...

    Check out this "street" fight between Rickson Gracie and some guy with an attitude on the beach; type "gracie beach" and watch the Rickson Gracie beach fight on youtube.

    Otherwise, like that guy said, find a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy/gym somewhere close, they offer a free introduction class usually, you can go there and get a taste of BJJ immediately.  I'm sure if the gym doesn't suck you're going to get a good impression.  I'm personally training in a Gracie Jiu Jitsu academy.

    NOTE: in most Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fights, which are as close to real street fights (excluding the use of weapons) as you can get, the person who knows BJJ is usually dominant.  It doesn't matter if you're a 20 year master of Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Karate, Boxing, Akido, Kempo, you name it, you'll find yourself taken down by a BJJ black belt and you won't be able to get up lol.

    Good luck

  7. Regardless of what style you train in, real fights never look or work out the way it's supposed to. Given this, yes I have used jujitsu in a street fight, BUT there was no guard work, no mount work and no submissions.

    All I did was take the guy down HARD slamming his back on the concrete and knee mounted him basically driving my knee deep into his solar plex. He was shook up from the takedown and was in pain from the knee mount and just layed there.

    The take down, btw, was a tani otoshi which is a Judo throw that you also learn in BJJ.


    And to the haters out there: no I didnt lay on crack pipes, and didnt roll around dog sh*t or a field of mice traps and no, his buddies didnt get their pogo sticks and start jumping on me.

  8. Umm, the moves really work. You can slap them on anyone, any time, and see that they work. What's hard is putting them on people who are fighting back. It's a lot harder to do when you're getting punched in the face too. After just over a year of BJJ I've held down people who didn't want to be held down, but I have not yet needed to actually start cranking on limbs. But if you wonder if the moves aren't effective just go down to your local MMA gym or BJJ school and tell them you would like a challenge match with someone your size. Put on the MMA gloves and go to town.

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