
Has anyone accidentally driven on a really wide sidewalk?

by  |  earlier

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or just a sidewalk.

cause there's sidewalks that look like a one way road lane...




  1. of course. that is why many of them have vehicle barricades at the entrance

  2. I was in a car with someone who did this at night... sort of.

    We went down a dead end street, and he thought it was someone's drive-way; turns out it was a sidewalk... and much of someone's front lawn.

  3. If you don't like the way I drive, then stay the heck off the sidewalk. lol

  4. many times used to work for the railroad so drive vehicles on the passenger paltforms and all the sidewlaks leading to the train tracks.

    it was for work of course.

  5. what is the problem. everyone in SF thinks that is normal short cuts to other streets.

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