
Has anyone actually gained employment by applying through job postings on Craigslist (within the last year)?

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It seems most of the job postings are scams or recruiters posing as direct employers. Am I off base here?




  1. Yeah, I think the same thing. I did get one legit offer but it turned out they were located in a VERY dangerous area and I ended up declining. Last night I wasted time on replying to what appeared to be a legit job but it turned out to be one of those online, work from home types. I won't bother replying anymore unless they give a specific company name. The one I replied to last night sounded realistic, no promise of $100s a day, which is always a dead give away. I just recently started checking craigslist and did so because I thought it was more reputable than it is proving to be.

  2. The job I have now I found off of Craigslist. After college, I signed up for,, and posted my resume on my school's website. I was contacting by a lot of companies based on all of those postings, but they were heavily interviewing and sadly (and frustratingly) I never got the job. I contacted this posting on Craig's List, interviewed, and got the job. It's in my field and I've been here for about 8 months now. It's not the greatest, best paying, most exciting job in the world, but it's just as good as countrywide or selling insurance, which is what i would have ended up doing had I been hired by the companies that contacted me from my resume on Monster or CareerFinder.

  3. I've found employment.  You're not way off base, but there are some very credible job postings on here.  I've noticed in some categories there are more scams than there are in other categories.  I think it's just a matter of going through it with a discerning eye.

  4. I have had several interviews. They were real! :) However, 2 were completely wacky and cannot keep staff. They told me this!

    You have to weed through the ads. If it has a Gmail address to reply to, it is most likely a scam. If it has a link in the ad, it is a scam. Or it has some kind of weird salary range, like 35-150,000 it is bad.

    The ones I answered had actual towns named, not a regional or general area.

    Just be careful because there seem to be some weirdos on there. Trust your gut and do not go to an interview if you feel uncomfortable in anyway.  The interviews I had were not bad places, just crazy staff. The one interview I had was very nice, however, they are paying peanuts, so I think maybe that correlates with placing a free ad.

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