
Has anyone actually thought about an independent person for President such as Ralph Nader???

by Guest57978  |  earlier

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Ralph Nader was for safety and the environment way back when and is anti-corporation now and overall is the closest to being correct in his views.




  1. "overall is the closest to being correct in his views'

    Correct you mean to say what you agree to.

    I happen to think he isn't correct.

    I have thought about independents but there are no good ones running.  

  2. Yes. I like Ralph Nader. Someone I know has voted for him and will again. Is he realistic? I would hate to vote for him and because of it, have McCain get in. I voted 3rd party in the last election and look what good that did, Bush got in. Not that it would make a difference with who I vote for. It doesn't but still...  But also how effective would Nader be as President? He's kind of a polarizing figure. I don't know. I want to vote for him. But I wonder.  

  3. I am looking at others besides Nader..........Baldwin/Boxer/Paul

  4. Yea up until I thought about it then googled him on the net and found he's lost 4 presidential elections already and now he's even worse than before.

  5. Sure have. Lou Dobbs was a potential candidate and had severeral committees petitioning for his candidacy as the next president of the U.S. I don't know what became of it as he is not in the running. Read his bio and you can see why he'd make a way excellent prez.

    Here's the link:

  6. Oh yeah, that's what we need is another socialist running for president.

  7. I woulda voted ron paul if he ran as independent, but not as a republican

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