
Has anyone actually won a game of minesweeper??

by Guest56416  |  earlier

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im always on it, its os hard! is there a trick to it??

love u all!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :):)

kiss kiss kiss!





  1. Heck yeah! I have! :)

  2. Yes i have. It's really easy.

    You might want to read the instructions.

  3. I have beat minesweeper multiple time on Expert. It is not difficult. If you are having trouble winning just take your time and double check each move. If you don't know how to actually play, you should read the instructions.

  4. yes i have iv wone a lot of theam no thears no tric to it just pick the contors frist thean go to the mideo and go frome thear to win hope this helps

  5. Yes, I have -- on all three levels (but it took me a while to win one on expert).  The problem is you can't always use your powers of logic to figure it out.  Sometimes you have to guess.  It's best to take your time in the beginning and make sure you're looking at it logically so you can "rule out" certain squares for mines.  For example, if you see a square with a "6" in it and you already have 6 mines flagged around it, the other two squares are obviously not mines so you can click on them.  The "1" squares are the ones that usually s***w me up because I don't look at them carefully and clear out all the remaining squares once I have identified where the mine is.  Unfortunately, as I have said before, even if your logic is sound and you have eliminated all the squares you can, sometimes you have to guess...

  6. yes - all the way through expert.......after you've done it for a while you get the hang of where the mines are - it's especially easy when there's a # 1 and it's already near a mine, then you can rule out all the others that are touching it......sometimes it's just pure luck - I usually start out by random picking and when a big space opens up I start from there....good luck!

  7. Haha! I can't win that either! GO to game>custom then make your own to easily win! Cheats! Haha good question i completely agree ;]

  8. Yes I actually have!

  9. Yes, it has to do with the numbers in the boxes. They represent how many bombs are touching that block. And yes, it can be diagonal. Hope this helped.

  10. yes! the easiest way to clear space and mark mines is to watch for patterns in the numbers. obviously if you have a straight line with a 3 on top, then the only option is that all 3 of the squares are mines.

    the thing that takes a little time to figure out is the pattern like 1-2-1 on a straight surface, the 2 will ALWAYS be a safe spot and both of the 1's are mines (which also lets you mark the spaces on the other side of the 1's as safe).

    my fastest expert level win currently is 166 seconds

  11. there is a trick to minesweeper...its sorta a cheat.

    here's wut u do...sorry if it turns out confusing cause its sorta hard to explain unless u actually see it in person...but ill try..

    the first couple of square you got to pick..its all you (basic guesses)

    then if u dont hit a mine yet and got a good couple areas then and hold on any number part of the mineboard (preferably on a corner and not many mines surrounding the number)

    and while ur pressing down the down the left along with it...

    there should be a 3 by 3 box that shows up

    if there is only 1 box that this 3 by 3 box highlights (thts good, the fewer the boxes hightlighted the better) then either one of two things will happen when u let go of both the left and right clickers...1)the highlighted box will open and reveal a  number just as if you would have clicked it or 2) the highlighted box is still hightlighted then that means there is a mine there..

    i now confusing but starton the beginner level and try the cheat out...but you still have to probabilatize where the mines are at.

    hope that helps...

  12. Yeah I have!! It is pretty fun once you get the hang of it!

  13. Yes, many.  Keep in mind that early in the game you're just making random guesses.  But, once some of the space is mapped out, you can start to play systematically.

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