
Has anyone adopted a biracial baby?

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Have you had any problems with the baby when it grew up?




  1. no I dont have a biracial baby but if you dont make everything out of a racial problem of dofavortism you shouldnt have a problem raising and biracial baby

  2. I see no reason that there would be any more problems with a Bi-racial Baby than one that is Black.White or any other color! Sure you will always have knit wits on all sides that will want to voice their opinions about it! But that's all they are opinions, and meaning-less at that! So if you have love to give a Baby,then don't let the ignorance of others stand in your way!

  3. What kind of "problems"?

  4. If you mean "problems" due to the fact the baby is biracial, it probably wouldnt be any different then any other racial comments that are made whether you are white, black, latino etc.

  5. I had a biracial friend who had identity trouble.  And I have a friend who adopted five kids of another race.  The thing I would suggest is not to deny the child's culture, but to find role models from that culture that the child can spend a lot of time with.  Children often have issues about their identities anyway.  Who am I?  What am I?  And because society likes to pigeonhole people, that is often a real issue for biracial people.  I would seek out people you know who are biracial and ask them their perspectives on growing up.  What were their inner thoughts (even when their families remained in tact)?  Ask them for suggestions.  Hope this helps.  Just trying to validate that it IS a unique issue in adoption.

  6. It usually the adoptee that has the problem. Ap's like to believe everything is A OK.

  7. I'm a biracial girl, and i'm perfectly fine. I'm Thai and Italian. The only problems i can possibly think of for "biracial" kids is racism. Sometimes i'm not asian enough to hang out with the asian kids, or i'm not white enough for the white kids. It kind of hurts when people say "What ARE you?!" or they try to guess. People have called me Japanese, Chinese, Mexican.. the list goes on. It just is a little dispiriting when people act like you are something cobbled together from two countries.

    Anyways, that's the only problem i can think of. A good example is Kimora Lee Simmons. She wrote an article about racism when she was growing up, like me, how she was not black enough or not white enough. Look at her now, she's a supermodel with her own TV show!

    Good for you to adopt though. Good luck finding your child :)

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