
Has anyone adopted a child from a friend of the family in Md, I'm curious to see how this would work?

by Guest64679  |  earlier

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Has anyone adopted a child from a friend of the family in Md, I'm curious to see how this would work?




  1. Contact an attorney :)

  2. Clara gave very clear descriptions.

    Hope it will help you.

  3. It depends on several factors, how close do you live to these people, do they really want to adopt out their baby? Do you know her? How much contact are they wanting to have? The best advice I can give is, if you do it, raise the child knowing that you adopted him/her because you loved him/her. You don't want the child to reach adolescence then "find" out the family friend is the biological parent. It may be tough.

  4. Yes, you can do it but I wouldn't recomend it. When you adopt a child from a friend of the family, then that bio Mom and Dad still think they are the child's parents. They interfere and will expect you to pay for all expenses but will continually come around wanting to see the child, take the child somewhere for an afternoon, etc. Worse yet, if the two bio parents end up together, then more children that will be 100% bio to your adopted child. Just more mess. The best kind of adoption is when you don't know the parents. They have both signed off on the baby or child. That way there isn't much chance they are going to come around, change their mind, or interfere with your raising your son or daughter. Good luck.

  5. I am a MD resident, and a proud adoptive mother.  You will need to hire an adoption attorney, and go through the normal adoption processes. You will need a homestudy. A homestudy includes some of the following

    FBI Fingerprinting

    Criminal Backround check

    Full Physical

    HIV/TB tests

    Fire Dept inspection of you home

    Health and Human SVS inspection of your home

    Full financial history

    Entire driving record

    4 letters of recommendation from non family members

    3 visits with a social worker

    and the list goes on.

    Once that is approved, you can begin the process. In Maryland, the revocation period is 3 weeks to a month, that means that even if you are awarded custody, the birth mother and birth father still have that amount of time to reconsider.  Adoption is an emotional rollercoaster, but can be the ride of your life! Good Luck.

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