
Has anyone adopted an infant from Japan?

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My husband and I are trying to find out how to adopt a baby from Japan. We live in Southern California. Have you had any experience, good or bad, with any agency or attorney who handles Japanese adoptions? I'd also like to hear your insights on the process, advice, and about any pitfalls to avoid. Many thanks!




  1. Adoption in Japan could be harder than adoption in any other country in the world. Because Japan it self it's not a third world country. It will be like adopting babys to another country from United States. Plus there are a new trend in Japan I read in a magzine few day ago, Japanese are slowing in down with reproduction. Most families would rather want a dog and cat instead of a child.

  2. Here's a good source:

    It looks like only 42 babies were adopted from Japan by US parents last year.  Is there a special reason why you want to adopt from Japan?

  3. To adopt from Japan you have to be Japanese or married to someone who is Japanese.

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