
Has anyone already taken the IELTS examination?

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I need an overall 7 score and every section should have a 7 too.

I would like to know to which section I should pay more attention in order to avoid any arising problems during the exam.

I would be grateful if you could eave me some comments based on your personal experiences and some tricks to get a higher score.

(Please don't post any links to the IELTS website because I have already read everything written on it)

Thanks, bye!

Help me, plz!!!!! :)




  1. take a look:

  2. I have  ielts  test tomorrow, i am nervious like you, but i had all help from my sister who is teacher and is conducting ielts preparatory course.

    there are few tips that can help getting through ( thats wat i have learned) first of all MANAGING TIME. following are few tips for each perticular section.

    1. LISTENING : read questions before listeing, keep in mind KEY WORDS , try to asses situation changes by observing TONE of speaker. fill out question paper by writing ABBREVATIONS this will not let u miss any bit that is important to hear.

    2.READING : first of all SKIM the paragraph, then read questions then SCAN paragarph to find answers. there are ALWAYS keywords and there is no reason that u make mistake in filling blanks , True falls etc.

    3.Writing skill: use certain set phrases that fits in to describe anything u get in wriitng task 1. such as  (A)THE GRAPH SHOWS...., AS CAN BE SEEN IN GRAPH, THE DATA REVEALS..... (B) to decribe the changes use words like INCREASES, DECREASED, REMAIN STABLE, FLUCTUATE, SHARPLY INCREASED, REACHED A PEAK, DRAMATICALLY DROPPED ETC...(C) try to compare data using words such as  IN COMPARISON TO, UNLIKE ...RELETIVELY, ON THE OETHRHAND, DIFFER, WHEREAS, IN CONTRACST TO, JUST AS..ETC

    in writing task 2 dont deviate from main topic. make sure ur tenses are correct and right. practice just like essay writing .

    4.SPEAKING SKILL: always remeber that first section of speaking skill is in ur hand, where ever u will take the examiner he or she will ask questions from what ever u tslk about. so make sure that while answering, keep ur answers to the topic which u think u can tackle. the  2nd part of speaking task is usually comprised of 4 sections: why is topic important?

    what are benefits causes of topic?

    what can be done to imrpove topic?

    what is future of topic?

    now imagine any topic , such as tourism and put it into these 4 questions and try to answer... or choose any topic and imagine ur self to answer quetions based on above four questions.

    last but not least always remember GIVE MONKEY WHAT EVER IT WANTS .. IF MONKEY ASK FOR BANANA GIVE IT BANANA.. so answer precisely. dont give more than three word answer if it is stated in question to answer in 2-3 words. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

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