
Has anyone any idea how to talk to a doctor about depression?

by  |  earlier

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i've been quite ill for a couple of months now, with no enthusiasm, not goin to work, etc. and my friend has suggested i see a gp but i feel like he'll think i'm stupid and a waste of time, what do i go in and say?




  1. Talk with him very honestly.  tell him how you are feeling and let him know about your apprehension for being there.  He will be able to help you better that way.

  2. You tell your doctor exactly what you told us here. They will ask you questions about your sleep patterns, if you feel suicidal and any other symptoms.

    They see people with depression all of the time. It's rather common for someone to be depressed at some point in their lives. They will not think you are stupid. And, if you DO find a doctor that doesn't take you seriously, it's time to find another doctor.

  3. Rather than visiting GP, Better visit Psychiatrist! The psychiatrist is an expert & therefore will extract history from you, but tell him truth! It's the job in which s/he is supposed to be trained. A patient is not supposed to diagnose & treat himself or herself , but it's the job of Medical Professional!

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