
Has anyone any idea what percentage of PHYSICALLY disabled children also have learning difficulties?

by Guest56071  |  earlier

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If anyone knows where I can accurate statistics, let me know. Its for a dissertation, so I need accurate stuff. UK ONLY!




  1. I doubt very much such a figure exists - or it it did I would doubt its accuracy. Physical disability and learning difficulties both has such different meaning depending on the context.  I would be looking for figures related to multiply-disabled though this would include children with other disabilities.

    I'd contact Mencap and see if they had a handle on the numbers. If anyone would know they would. They are a part of PMLD Network - another possible resource

  2. In ways statistics mean very little....Most are wrong in the first place....

    If i had to guess I would say 30 percent..

  3. You might want to contact organizations who deal only with learning Disabilities also.

  4. like the first guy said i dont there is a number !!! but i no if you are physically  disabled its bc it affected your brain so there is  a very good  chance you are learning disabled!  i have a physical and learning disablities also i  have worked with many people with disability    

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