
Has anyone any tips on how to get my 15 year old daughter to stop smoking? Peer pressure is very toughto beat

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Has anyone any tips on how to get my 15 year old daughter to stop smoking? Peer pressure is very toughto beat




  1. give her a LOT of cigarettes and tell her she HAS to smoke them ALL she WON'T smoke AGAIN!

  2. Tell her you're going to start smoking, and you're not stopping until she does.

  3. Get permission from the nursing staff at your local Oncology dept.  

    Get them to find someone who will talk to your daughter about the pain they suffer from smoking & thier impending death.

    Something that will make her emotional.,

    Short, Sharp, Shock treatment.

    My Mother got special permission when I was 14 from the RAF to attend the same talks they show new recruits about drugs.... it totally shocked the h**l out of me... it was none of the school type films they show teenagers... I have never touched drugs & I think its to do with the shock i had!!

    OR... buy her the Allen Carr book "How to give up smoking" & make her read it.   It starts by telling you NOT to give up whilst your reading it, yet by the time u finish it... u actually dont want to smoke anymore!  Its full of stuff about why cigarettes are addictive etc & u just dont see the point in smoking anymore.

    I know lots of people who gave up with this book.... & it might just catch her before she becomes a hardened smoker

  4. Well I'm 17 and I smoked when I was 15... Coming from my point of view, I was scared s**+*less when I learned the facts about smoking (over 3000 chemicals, cancer, yada yada). And I really didnt know any of these things until I was told...Your best bet is to sit her down and scare the c**p out of her with facts, or buy her a book about what smoking does to you.

    And besides that its expensive, so take away her allowance or even her money if she dosent stop or what I said above dosent help...

    Another thing you can do is call up her friends parents and let them know whats going on and try to find out who's buying her or giving her the cigs... And notify the school or police department if you find out who it is (BIG FINE $$$ for the supplier, and can almost guarentee they wont do it again).

    As a last resort (and I mean last resort!) contact your local police department, and have her sit down and speak to a policeman about underage smoking... That would scarre the c**p out of her and would more than likely stop her from doing it again...

    Hope this helped!

  5. give your 15 yr old daughter to me and i'll show wat i can do ;), and shove the cigs up her fat ****, check this site out it helps with the pics of ur daughter

  6. show her distusting pictures of smokers lungs make a point of putting them where she can see them, on the fridge is a good place at least you know she see them everytime she wants to go for something to eat, I know its a bit nasty but cruel to be kind...It worked with me! :)

    good luck

  7. if i was in your position id sit down with her( get down to her level )and get sum paper and a pen, and work out how much her cigarettes will cost her for a whole month, it will be a decent amount of money"""""""then say to her would ya rather that (for eg, £60.00) went on cigarettes or that new( think of an item of clothing etc she wants) buy that?that might shock her into rethinking smoking?????

  8. Don't give her any money for pocket money, sweets, tuck shop or school dinners that way she wont be able to buy them.  Give her food in her school bag.  Then make her sit down in front of the internet and research the pros and cons of smoking.  Also if you are in Scotland (don't know about England & Wales) point out it is illegal to smoke under the age of 18.

  9. just talk to her.  Tell her you love her.  If she won't listen to you leave kind notes on her bed while she isn't home.  If nothing else switch schools!

  10. It is illegal for a person to buy cigarettes for a minor, or sell them to one. So if she is only 15, someone is breaking the law. Find out how she is getting them, and turn that person in. The law is clear on this. Use it.

  11. make her smoke about 20 at one time i was told it will put them off

  12. i haven't got an answer for you but i can give you an insight to how she may be feeling

    When i was 16 i started smoking, (peer pressure) my mum demanded i stopped, but as a teenager you don't do as you are told, i didn't stop, in fact I'm still a smoker now, but i have really cut down, maybe you could stop demanding that she quits, research smoking effects on Internet and show her the effects of smoking. This is a toughie as I'm trying to think of what id do if my kids started, but everyone in my family smoke.

    Good Luck

  13. Smoking is an expensive habit, can you stop the flow of money?

    It would be better if she made the decision herself though.  My suggestions as follows:

    1. Offer her an incentive to stop - Something worth aiming for in 3 months

    2. Arrange talks with relatives / friends who gave up smoking

    3. Disown her

    I have to admit to being short of ideas by number three

  14. This is such a hard one.

    I thinks every one here has point some really goo point across.

    It is a fowl, smelly health damaging habit - how you get that across will not be easy but you must try.

    Peer presure is one of the hardest to deal with as you can garanteen she is doing it to impress or keep up/be accepted  by' friends'

    Also remember that Drs now say you should not go near a baby for 20 mins after smoking. so make sure she keeps away for any young children in the family.

    Shop keepers that sell to anyone under 18 should be sent to prison - they are scum...

  15. sit her down and make her smoke a whole packet one after the other - i guarantee she wont smoke again =)

  16. I smoked since I was thirteen until now - I am giving up smoking and am 18. It is really hard. Don't bother about showing her photo's, we are too exposed to gruesomeness. I'd go with the first answer but that may be considered as a form of torture and that may not look too good. You could probably do that though but do it as a bet, or say if you do this i'll do this... It really has to be her choice and everytime she walks in after smoking tell her how bad she smells.

  17. Don't force her. Show her a cancerous lung.. the hospital will have one for display in an anti smoking campaign package. It worked for my 200 students.

  18. Find a picture online of a smokers lung.  Show it to her.  

    Lung cancer is one of the un-coolest things around.

  19. give her a cigar, thats what my old man did, coughed my guts up.

  20. Honestly, the more you bother her about it the less she'll listen. Of course I'd say never let her smoke around you or the house because that'd be disrespectful..she's not even old enough to smoke... but kids are gonna do what they're gonna do.. we were both there.. we know thats just the way  it is unfortunately.

    She'll get over it i'm sure.. You might want to take her to therapy too unrelated to the cigarette issue because if she's that susceptible to peer pressure she probably has low self esteem and security issues.

    good luck!

  21. I agree with Jasmin.

    It is an age old method that does seem to work, but not with everyone. What have you got to lose on trying one pack, versus having her smoke several in her lifetime?

  22. I'm sure you lectured and nagged already. so I'm skipping those steps. I think there's nothing like reality check!

    I would take my 15yr old to the lung cancer patients side of a local hospital. Have THEM talk to her, a nurse and a specialist doctor. THEN try to find a new habit with her, preferably something like chewing gum.. because it takes another new habit to break an old one. THEN you have to let go and have her make the final decision.

  23. what my dad did? he sat me down and ade me smoke a whole pack.. one after i only smoke when im really depressed....otherwise, NEVER AGAIN!i only got up to 3....and i got sick..i went like"hey, i dont smoke THIS much!"

  24. Take her to a cancer center/hospice care place. She'll get to meet many smokers who can't breath and are miserable and on their death bed, show her pictures of lungs, cancer, etc. You'll have to scare her out of it.

  25. have you tried showing her the horrible side effects of smoking? or maybe tell her all the disgusting stuff that's in the cigarette.

    I know the thing that kept me from not starting was i know these two woman who are both 35 and one smokes and the other doesn't and the one that does looks 10 years older.

    Also if she stops now she could save a ton of money by not buying cigarettes in the future

  26. All the answerers so far have good ideas...and the culmination of all of them seems to be this :  Simply put your foot down!   Do not allow it in your house.  Take all packs, matches, lighters away from her and out of her room.  Ground her or restrict her activities.  Show her online or through pamphlets the consequences of smoking.  Take her to a hospice.  Have her talk to a smoker!  Simply do not allow her to smoke.  Remind her that guys don't like kissing girls who smell and taste like tobacco.

    As a smoker of over ten years...I can tell you that I wish my mother had done that for me.  I hate the addiction and what it does to my health.

  27. i stopped 4 years ago, what worked for me was a advert on TV

    A woman is telling her 10 year old daughter she is going to die, that daddy will look after her when her time comes, a very powerful advert

    maybe look on youtube see if you can find it or something.

    it put the fear of god in me.

    i stopped the next day, no patches no help nothing just chucked the lot down the bog and flushed it because i knew if i put them in the bin i would get them out again

    good luck

    regards x kitti x

  28. Definitely get her to meet someone with cancer e.g. in a hospice if you can - seeing my Grandad dying from lung cancer when I was 9 made me never want to smoke...

  29. lock her in a cupboard with 10 packs of cigars and do not let her out until she has smoked them all every time an hour goes by without them all not being smoked add a pack to what she needs to smoke before you let her out when she gets out she will never want to smoke again its a little hard but it will work

  30. Get pics of what it does to your skin...and teeth...blow them up and out them up 16 kids feel invincible and getting at then through vanity works best.

  31. Take her to visit people in hospital that can't breathe and who are dying of lung cancer. Maybe the shock will make her think twice.

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