
Has anyone anything good to say about the UK embassies and consulats?

by  |  earlier

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I've backpacked my way around a lot of the world and never found one useful and nor has anybody I've spoken to either. Just interested in others views realy.




  1. your first answer is pretty good , i might add they encourage foreigners to come here though as was shown last year with the leaflets encouraging foreigners to come here while the government is telling us there sorting the problem out (BS).

  2. Here's one positive fact about UK embassies and consulates:

    They are not French embassies and consulates.

    Always remember, no matter how bad things seem, you can always say:  "Well, at least I'm not French!"

  3. if you get arrested in another country you they will help you with fair treatment. and if your kidnapped they have the power to send in teh SAS! No Sh it! better then some stupid FBi like the americans!

    oh and if your passport runs out you can get it extended, and you can be in good old england no matter what country your in, because the embassy is considered british soil. and you can go to them for help if some s**t goes down!

  4. Last  summer me and my husband had a  few  visits to the embassy in tunis.. and woow  i cant even find a nice  word to say about the coduct of the  british embassy staff.MY husband was treated like he had  committed a crime like he was a criminal..  what  for may  u say... all for a visitor  visa.. Why do ppl  working for the british government have this nature about them that they are higher than ordinary people like u and me. By the  way i am english.. but ashamed sometimes ...

  5. Unhelpful,rude,arrogant snobbish shall i continue??

  6. Ermmmm..... to quick to issue a visa as long as they see you've got enough dough to support yourself.....

    but too expensive visas i.e fiancee to spouse to permanent resident.... don't think they do criminal records or follow-ups checks  on anyone wanting to come to UK. Saying this coz it's the first country in the western world I've been to that actually issue a fiancee visa in 10 working days.

  7. Embassies are usually there only to deal with representation of their country's interests. This usually means financial interests and political motives. Representing nationals abroad is a sideline and frankly very outdated image. The fact of the matter is that anything they have to do for their nationals is a drain on their resources and time and they are not willing to become deeply involved in problems that you may experience abroad. Only in the most extreme situations will they offer any assistance and even then their powers are limited. The days when an embassy would be actively helpful to their nationals abroad are long gone...

  8. They do make a lovely cup of tea.

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