
Has anyone attended the Al Gore supported "Climate Project"?

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I recently attended one of these near me. It was quite laughable (if not so sad). The entire presentation dealt in worst case scenarios which came from someones over active imagination. No scientific facts were used to back up the conjecture (maybe because there is no scientific facts to back them).

The presentation starts out with these three points when dealing with scientific studies:

1. Where is the funding from? (of course anything from oil, etc is bad. IPCC and government good.)

2. Is the person a climatologist? If not ignore this person as they obviously know nothing. They failed to mention the IPCC reports are made up of diverse fields of study?

3. Has the study been peer reviewed? This could be useful, except they have ruined the peer review. Having co-authors do the review has become the norm in AGW loonies. Then, they hide the details from the public.

None of these ideas is how science really works. Science demands skeptisism. Scientist should work to disprove studies.




  1. I agree.  It's sad that such ignorance is profound.

    There are people who claim to be "experts" who really believe this garbage.  Or maybe they just want us to believe it so they can give politicians more power over us all.

    Gore isn't a scientist, but all of the claims he states are backed up by supposed "scientists" although most real scientists don't agree with his ideas.

    For one thing CO2 is such a tiny part of the greenhouse layer that it has no effect on it.  Also the greenhouse effect is a good thing, not a bad thing.  So CO2 is a good gas, not a pollutant.  And according to the ice core samples, CO2 rises followed warming periods by as much as 800 years.  But don't expect science and fact to be used by this lot.  They don't deal with truth.

    The socialist nuts are trying to categorize CO2 as a pollutant so they can tax it.  Just one small step on the way to taxing people for breathing.  Don't think it's not in their plans.

    The "climate scientists" on this forum are probably paid by politicians to keep hammering away at this subject to get more ignorant uninformed uneducated people to believe this whole scam.  They hate educated people because they see through the hoax.

    (I'll get thumbs down from every environmental fascist on this site, but that's a badge of honor for daring to tell the truth.)

  2. I would have loved to be in the audience to hear you question the presenter. Good points, and it doesn't surprise me she couldn't answer your questions.

    I have noticed that a lot of the people posting on here seem too intelligent to hold the beliefs that they do, just goes to show you how powerfull the kool-aid is.

    Even though some do seem rather intelligent I have counted a far greater number that obviously don't even have a grasp of simple chemical reactions but still vehemently state their case for AGW, who told them they knew anything. Must have been our liberal indoctrination centers more commonly known as public education, full of kool-aid drinkers.

  3. That is not science.  That is using psuedo scientific dogma to push a political agenda.

    I see Bob is trying to convert people to his faith.  How do we 'know' that CO2 is causing significant warming?  If you apply some objective science, CO2 doesn't seem to be able to cause any significant warming.

  4. Silly Rabbbit tricks are for kids and libs never stand up in debates that is why they start with children in school to indocturnate them then and of course the gullable who think these people have their best interests at heart.

    Good for you and way to go to embarrass these idiots with no facts just emotional backed propaganda.

    If one comes to my area I will attend and ask the same questions.

  5. No but what said when you answered my question makes me want to attend one so badly. I want to go and just laugh at the c**p they make up. They have nothing to back it with really. If the earth is warming up it is bacause of the sun, not pollution

  6. Well, silly, the rising CO2 leads the temp.

    And his presentations are FULL of data.

    I challange you to find me ONE respected scientist who does not accept the corrolation (know what that means?) between our CO2 emissions, the rising levels of CO2 in the environment, and rising temperatures. In fact, the whole thing is commonly explained in 7th grade science class.

    So what is your point here?

  7. No.  But what Gore says or does has NOTHING to do with the science.

    The ideas stated here are provably wrong.

    Temperature led CO2 in previous warmings, but NOT THIS ONE.  That's because CO2 can be both a cause and an effect.  The timing shows that in previous warmings it was mostly an effect, and this time, it's mostly a cause.

    We KNOW the present warming is not caused by the Sun.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    These real conservatives have some advice.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

  8. Auzziegob couldn't attend,because Auzziegob had to attend a Climax Project instead.

    It was a very pleasant event,and warmth was the winner,.,.,.naturally !

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