
Has anyone attended the rich dad 3 day workshop for $450, is it worth it?

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Has anyone attended the rich dad 3 day workshop for $450, is it worth it?




  1. rich dad?  i guess there is a rich workshop presenter out there catering to sucker dads.... never heard of it

  2. It sounds to me like someone's dad thinks it's worth it. He's the one getting $450 a head.

  3. Work shop for what? Welding, Fabricating, small engine repair?

  4. It is a real estate seminar if I am thinking of the same thing. From what I've heard it is mainly an over-hyped seminar consisting of information you can find in your public library, just like most all of this type seminar.

  5. I've never attended one, but the attached link shows one person who has.  Good reading.

    If the workshop can help better you and give you the desire and push to better yourself, then go for it.

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