
Has anyone been a surrogate mother...

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Could you tell me your experiences please. I've recently offered to a family member as she is not able to carry children but is also unwell. The child would be genetically theirs and I would simply 'grow it'!




  1. I've been a gestational surrogate mother twice.  Just like you, I just baked the baby! Not genetically related.

    I had twins the first time, and a singleton the second time.  You will need to keep in mind that multiples are common in surrogacy.  

    Both experiences were wonderful for my family as well as the family I helped, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  

    As far as the bond you will experience, most likely, you will have a much closer bond with the parents than the child.  Knowing the child is not yours, it becomes something similar to an extended baby sitting project.

  2. I don't have any experience of surrogacy, I just wanted to say what a wonderful thing you are doing for someone and I want to give you all my best wishes and good luck.

  3. do a google search for Kim Cotton...she was more of less one of the first surrogate mother's in the UK...she made it seem so easy - but turned out not to be the case.  

    wonderful gift you are offering - can part with the baby afterwards...very big step & big decision...good luck to you all!

  4. If this will be your first child I would seriously think twice about it, you do not know the bond you get when your baby is born its overwhelming, you dont simply just 'grow it' 'its' a baby with your blood running through them

    Unless it was my sister I wouldn't be offering my womb at all and I woule definately of given it maybe a years thought before I offered anything, you might think your doing a nice thing but you have to think of your own feelings aswell

    I'm no expert on surrogacy but I am on having babies and I couldn't give them away unless it was my sister, she is the only person I would do it for, not a cousin, aunt, sister in-law etc


    Just read your additional info and if you think your strong enough and would be able to do this then your doing a wonderful thing, I hope everything works out and you make the right decision for YOU

  5. i think its a wonderful thing that your considering it, don't really have any advise for you but, myself, ive just lost my 5th baby, my womb need some work and if that doesn't work then surrogacy will be an option. all i can say is the women that do this in my opinion are angels without wings, good luck in making your decision and all the best x

  6. I think what you are willing to do is such a wonderful thing, i truly believe if someone can offer to do such a wonderful thing for someone like you have then you are an angel in disguise.

    I have PCOS and i have been having treatment for 5 years off and on and am so desperate to get pregnant but i can't because i don't have monthly cycles and i don't ovulate. It breaks me to think i will never be able to have kids and i always wonder why it is happening to me. But if someone was to say to me they would be willing to have a child for me i would be forever grateful to them and there would be nothing in the world that you could ever repay you for doing such a wonderful thing.

    Don't listen to all of the negative advice people give you just follow your heart. Your heart is always right. If you can do this then you would be a wonderful human being. There are not many people as giving as you.

    Good luck with your decision.

  7. I've done this, the only lasting effect for me was the milk production and weight gain! i saw how happy it made the couple i did this for, i let them spend time with me, read to the bump- their baby- and did not make the effort to bond with the child  i was carrying. Hope this helps! xx

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