
Has anyone been back from Tennerife lately?

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I'm going to Tennerife in 2 weeks time i was just wondering how warm it is there? Are the nights cold at all? Just so i know what to take with me. I've never been there before. Thank you.




  1. Havent just come back from there but I can tell you that its hot almost all year round as its right on the equator. Have a great time you'll love it :)

  2. My sister been out there for a week,  still got another week to go she rang yesterday and said its lovely , very warm, food is excellent ,tan going very well .  a little cooler in the evenings , hasn't had to wear a coat but been wearing cardigans .

    good luck  have a brill time .

  3. my mum and dad came back from there two weeks ago and they have got fabulous tans from just walking around. my mum said some evenings got a little bit chilly.

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