
Has anyone been in a similar situation??

by  |  earlier

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I went to hospital 2 days ago, after having some strange symptoms, and it turns out I was in fact contracting, and had to be monitored overnight.

But the contractions were not dilating me at all (my cervix was soft at the very most) which is a good indication apparently that I'm not set to deliver just yet (thankfully, as I'm only 36 weeks)

The doctors are not sure at all why my uterus was contracting and no dilation was happening, all they could say was that I had an 'irritable' uterus.

Has this happened to anyone else, and how did it turn out for you?




  1. oh yes!!! well i went in at 24,27,30,33,35, and 38 weeks all because i thought i was in labor because i was contracting every 3-4 minutes. before i was 37 weeks i was stopped everytime. and even after all of that i never dilated. i was contracting for 12 straight hours at 3-4 minutes apart and nothing and then it stopped like someone flicked a light switch. the reason i was contracting so much was because i have a irritable uterus because i have two of them. i was dilated at 1cm and 100% thinned and after 12 hours i closed back up. 4 days before my due date my doctor induced me because i never went back into labor...and i was on pitocin for 10 hours and nothing....i closed back up. he tried to break my water and couldn't because i closed back up and so he ended up having to do a c-section.

    i hope this doesn't scare you or anything...but i thought for sure as many times as i was going into labor and so many times they stopped me i thought i would go early, but he told me i never would have delivered natural because i was too small bone wise..thats why she just kept giving up. she was too big

  2. When I was pregnant with number 3 I was overdue and had diarrhea and some contractions - same thing happened, I went to hospital and they said it was an Irritable Uterus and I was not dilating. I ended up getting induced 10 days later, but my OB said it was common to have some ineffective contractions when your bowel was upset.

    I hope you are feeling better now though.

  3. I had contractions like that with all of my pregs its very normal. I was told it was just false labor nothing to worry about. With my 3rd preg i was dialated for 2 wks at 3 cm cuz the doctors gave me meds to stop it lol so when i had the contractions again and stronger i waited till i knew i would not be giving meds no more and let my son be born he was born at 37 wks and 6 days health baby boy 7lbs. my first was my daughter she was born at 35wks and 4days healthy baby girl 5lbs and my other son was born at 36wks 6days 7lbs lol my two sons where only a couple ounces apart in weight and almost the same in height as well lol dont worry baby should be fine :) good luck

  4. ?????

    Contractions that don't accomplish any dilation are quite normal!

    What's wrong with those doctors?!?!?

  5. i had this happen to me at 34 weeks and i went to the hospital and i had to stay hooked up to the monitor for a little while. they told i also had an irritable uterus and my contractions didn't dilate me at all. They said it was because i was dehydrated i told them that i drink 10 glasses of water a day and they said that i need to start drinking twenty. i dont know if that really has anything to do with it but i drink water all day long now and i haven't gotten any more contractions...

  6. your just like my mom its her own d**n fault I wanted her to buy me a x box game after she took me to mcdonalds. She said NO she cant afford it.It only cost 90 bucks it wasnt fair so i got even with her So i threw ketchup around it got on some people. but she still was wrong in telling me i was a baby and should be wearing pampers again and be in a high chair. you know?

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