
Has anyone been induced?

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Could you please tell me about your experience? Were you dilated at all before the process began? Are you happy with your choice?




  1. I was induced because my water broke before I went into labor and they wanted to speed things up.  The doctor's and nurses said my contractions were too "spaced out."  I resisted the pitocin for a long time becasue I had heard that it increases the chance of needing an epi.  They really pushed me into it making it seem like I was putting my baby in danger by letting nature run its course.  I finally gave in and had gave birth without the epi.  It helped that the pitocin was a really low dose and that my husand was so good at getting me through the contractions.  But I don't think it's the norm for it to happen that way.  The volunteer dula was surprised that I was able to go through with it having the poticin without the epi.  All and all I'm ok with the way things turned out.  

  2. I have friends who were induced because of going more than a week over their due date or having health issues. They still had their babies without an epidural and they were happy with their choice.  

  3. I was about 3cm dilated and my water was leaking from somewhere on top. They said that I needed to be induced because of high bp and leaking. I was in labor for 24 hours but couldnt have my baby vaginally because my pelvic bone was to small. I am glad that I got induced but it wasnt really my choice. It didnt really help to increase my dilation it was over 16 hours before I was fully dilated.

  4. I was induced with my first baby, but it wasn't by choice and I hated not going into labor naturally.  I had gestational diabetes and my OB wanted to keep me monitored non-stop.  I wasn't allowed out of bed at all, not even to go to the bathroom.  I was 3cm dilated before being induced.  After 29 hours of labor (flat on my back) I was only 5cm dilated.  I had a c-section.  If I could do it all over again, I'd insist that I at least be allowed to walk around a little.

  5. Yes I was induced, I didnt have a choice though. I was late and was starting to get really high blood pressure. From what I have been told, its more painful than going in to labor naturally. My labor lasted about 8 hours and I was 2 centimeters dialated when I started.

  6. I was induced by choice at 39 weeks.  I was already 2 1/2 cm dilated and had been for about a week.  I went in at 5:00 a.m. and they gave me the pitocin (?).  Then at 8:00 they broke my water.  I had my epidural at 9:30 and my baby girl was delivered at noon.  I am totally happy with my decision and would not change it.

  7. I went in for my reduction around 6:30pm , But found out I was actually in labor, I guess all the excitement about getting to see my baby soon brought it they check me and said I was about 3cm and 50 enfaced. So they went ahead and induced me. Why, dont know, I was already starting contractions. So after about an hour or so , I was hit HARD with contractions, that went on for about 4 hrs and only dialted 1 cm since. And then they cound't pick up any of the contractions, so they had o break my water and put a monitor on the baby's head...wooo that felt wonderfu;...NOT! so after about 2 hrs of that, and pain was very bad. They said the baby is in distress, we have to stop the contractions and put water back in....YAY. They gave me a sleeping pill so I could relax and get some rest. Then BAM I was getting hit with contractions again...EPIDURAL NOW!!! I couldn't take it any longer....So they gave that to me , and then checked me an hour later, said well you are only at 5 cm ..GREAT! so about 15 mins past and I was like CHRISTIAN(hubby) WAKE UP...huh what...I think I have to push , get the he ran got her. She checked me and said OMGOODNESS you are at 10 cm...go ahead push, we will get your DR. So in 15 mins I dialated 5 cm's WHOA. By the time the dr got there I had the head out...5 pushes later I met my beautiful angel.

    So long story short(too late) being induced, can bring on harder contractions and longer labor. And sometimes cause other complications. So make sure its really what you want, if you dont have to have it, wait for the baby to be ready.

    Good Luck and Congrats!!!!

  8. i didn't have a choice, my water broke at 35 weeks.   I was not dilated at all and wasn't progressing.  They put Cervadil on my cervix to help "ripen" it around 4 pm thursday and then started pitocin at about 7am on friday.  i got an epidural at 6am ( i had to wait that long because i had to take blood thinning shots while pregnant).  the contractions over night were pretty bad but tolerable with the medicine they gave me (stadol) although i think it just knocked me out since i couldn't keep my eyes open.

    as for the pain.... i have a really high pain tolerance so i didn't think labor was that bad but i did have an epidural even though the left side wasn't quite as numb as the right!

    good luck and congrats!!!!

  9. My due date for our 2nd son was on Christmas... Well, when we went to my doctor for one of my last visits (Dec.12th) she asked "What do you want for Christmas?" My reply was "To hurry up & have our baby!"  My doctor then told me "O.k. go next door & we will set you up for induced delivery." I looked at my husband because we almost thought she was joking, said o.k. & we were on our way. We had to call my parent to come up there immediately so they could be ready to wait outside the room with our 1st son (he was 16 months). The gave me pitocin, my doctor popped my water & within maybe 1½ to 2 hours our beautiful baby boy was here. My moms always used to say "I walked to the vending machine with Ricky, came back & there was another baby!" She was shocked at how fast it was,as were all of us. I really had not much pain at all & was happy during the whole thing. I was only 38 weeks, but he was more than ready to come. Everybody has adifferent situation, but I don't really think there is anything wrong with being induced when absolutely ready. GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS!!!

  10. I was induced on the 4th at 38 weeks.  I was not dilated before the induction.  I am happy with my doctor's suggestion to induce me because my baby was healthy and because I have lupus it could have been bad for her to stay in.  i hear being induced is more painful than natural labor.  I was in a lot of pain for about an hour.  I cried, screamed, pleaded and almost broke my husband's hand.  However no matter how hard i try i can't remember the pain now.  i felt soooooo much better once i got my epidural.  

  11. I was induced, due to high blood pressure..and there was no choice. Most people who get induced, do not have a choice. I went in for a prenatal visit and my blood pressure was very very high. They told me to go to the hospital, that I was being induced. I was already 4 cms and contracting irregularly for 2 days. They induced me at 5pm. I took the epidural when I was 8 cms. ANd it wore off by the time it was time to push. I delivered at 12:12 and pushed for 45 minutes.

    I was on mag for 24 hours...and that was pretty crappy. I felt like I got hit by a truck! as soon as they took that IV out I felt a million times better!!

    EDIT: they also broke my water for me

  12. I was induced, i had gone in the night before with back labor and i was dialated 1 cm, in the morning they induced me at 8 a.m and i had my daughter at 10:56 p.m :) Being induced doesnt hurt, it just feels wierd as you can feel all the water pouring out, and of course its awkward, I have no regrets at all :)

  13. My water broke without any contractions having started yet, so when I got to the hospital, they put me on pitocin.  

    In all honesty, I don't recommend being induced unless you have to be.  Pitocin makes the contractions more intense, and they come one on top of the other--you have no chance to rest in between.  It helps if you have the epidural (which I wished I had asked for earlier in my labor, since I waited for 13 hours before finally begging for it).  But after 13 hours of excruciating contractions, I was still only dilated to 7cm.

    I ended up having a c-section at the end of all of that, not necessarily because of the induction, but because the baby was showing signs of distress.

    If you can wait and let labor start on its own, it's usually the better option.

  14. I was induced with my first child because I was 41 weeks. I was not dilated at all when I was admitted to the hospital. With my second child I was not induced and the labor was much different. The contractions are definitely more painful when you are induced, in my opinion. I wish that I could have had my second child without being induced, but if it's medically necessary you don't really have a choice.

  15. I wish I had been induced sooner! They kept sending me home (and I was 1 week over due) .. and then finally, after my 3RD false labor, they kept me at Labor and Delivery and gave me Patocin. I was already 4 cm. dilated when I got the patocin drip.

    I had the epidural and I still thought I was going to pass-out from the pain.

    I've always had a sensitive cervix and the patocin felt like my insides were being RIPPED out of me!

    But yes, I would do it all over again ..

    And (I don't care how many thumbs-down I get), IN MY OPINION: if you're going to get induced (with patocin) GET THE EPIDURAL!!!

  16. I was induced because I was 9 days past my due date. I was only 1 cm dialated at that time. I wish I was induced earlier b/c I was so uncomfortable for too long! I wish I could have gone the natural way, like having my water break and laboring at home for a while, but deliveries are always unpredictable. Overall, I was just relieved to give birth to a healthy baby girl!

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