
Has anyone been influenced more left, right or center by the government and politics section?

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than from their previous position, that is?

Let me know if that didn't make sense.




  1. I've become more centrist, but I think it's also a result of my work experiences and continued education as well as time spent on YA.

  2. No, I have just reaffirmed my belief that too many people just accept what they are told on tv and in blogs rather than researching for themselves. That and the fact that there are a lot of trolls.

  3. Your question makes sense - the answer is no, in fact, the ridiculous questions simply make me more convinced that extremists on both sides do not consider the facts, rely on talking points and non-sources and generally have little to add to a legitimate discussion.

    That said, there are exceptions and I continue to participate in YA because I have learned things from the discussions and it is always good to challenge your thinking.  But, I see very little evidence that most posters even read the questions they write, let alone consider the answers.

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