
Has anyone been inlove? if so... please help?

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my best friend who is a guy, has a girlfriend... they say there all inlove and blah blah blah gross. she tells me all the time there gonna get married with highschool is over. haha! yeahh right. he liked me 2 years ago, but i wasnt ready for a boyfriend, it was right around when my father passed. my whole life was messed up( i no i no 2 years hes prob over me) but he told me he still liked me. but his girlfriend:-/ the problem is that i like him so much now, ive never felt this way about anyone.. he makes me so happy and i can be myself around him. idk what to do because ive told him a billion times that i love him and hes the one for me. but i guess he doesnt want me back? i really dont know, can anyone help? what should i do?!!!




  1. Maybe you want him because someone else has him. You'll feel that way about a lot of people.

  2. I was in a boat similar to yours in high school. I met him in one of my classes and he was my absolute best friend from the start. We talked about everything. He developed a huge crush on me and at the same time I wasn't really wanting to date anyone. I pushed him to date this girl I knew liked him and soon after they were dating... And I started to have feelings for him... it developed into a huge crush... He would always say he liked me back but he didn't want to break up with his girlfriend and date me and have all this drama.... He would tell me how much he liked me but to just be patient... I spent a good year of my life waiting for him to come around and finally break up with her. He never did.

    My advice as someone who has been there? Move on. It hurts I know, and it will for a bit, but you won't feel better at the end of the day hurting an innocent girl to get a boy who strings you along... Well that is if he returns the feelings... And if he doesn't you do need to move on.  

    You will be okay, you will meet someone amazing who will love you the way you deserve to be loved one day. Trust me, 4 years later and I am engaged to the love of my life and about to have a beautiful child.

    One day you will realize this boy wasn't worth the time and heartache and you will find your true love.  

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