
Has anyone been mooned before or done it themselves?

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I was driving home late last night. A car pulled up beside me, honking the horn and the passenger plastered his a$$ on the window and drove on. I just kind of shrugged and went on.

Why did they do that?

Is it supposed to be funny?

Has anyone had it done to them or been the perpetrator?

It seems so 80's.




  1. they just did it to have fun.. and it was suspose to be funny, and not be taken seriously. And oh geez I get mooned everyday during cross country.. our guys team is hilarious and I love them all to death because they are so silly :-)

  2. Ha ha ha.  You shoulda yelled out "nice asss" or somethin similar.

    I've given a few moons....and seen a whole lot more.  It's guys just havin some fun.

  3. hahaha LMAO. omg i laughed out loud. haha..omg amazing..okay.



    they probably think its funny:P haahah ive had it done and im just like wtf random!!! but i knew the person so it  wasnt that bad;P

  4. Yup been mooned, never have done it myself cuz it wouldn't be pretty! lol  They do that cuz they is stupid, board, and have zero common sense. It's only funny if, when the cheeks were plasterd on the window, the window broke and they fell out onto the street. it seems more "British" to me than 80's.  

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