
Has anyone been sued by a credit card company in Texas?

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First off, I live in Texas. I recently got notification that Chase bank has filed a law suit against me for a credit card I have not paid on. I don't own/have anything valuable. Can they have my wages garnished, or freeze my bank account? (i've heard that in Texas they can not do this, but they (Chase)seems to think they are going to) Does anyone know?

When I say I don't own anything; I don't own a house, car, land or anything they can lien. I do owe the balance on the card (which I cannot pay)

FYI- I'm not a piece of S**t, ghetto, blinging hoochie who doesn't pay ber bills! I don't spend my money on 60 inch flat screen tv's or "pimp" out my car. I'm a mother of three, full time employee and full time student. And I got behind on THIS bill. The late fees and over the limit fees added up to an impossible pay off.

And please don't comment if you are going to be s**+tty. Isn't it enough that I'm getting sued.




  1. pepper, I found a huge online list of Texas local credit card resources. Try calling a local service and they can answer your questions.

  2. Crazy is correct.

    Wages can not be garnished in Texas.  For this reason, unsecured debts in Texas are very difficult to collect on.

    They can go after property, and if you have a bank account they can seize that money.  But some simple research into "asset protection"  techniques can solve that.

    The problem is your credit report.  I don't know how much this debt is for, but case usually doesn't go after very small debts.  They are content to just trash your credit.  But a judgment on your history will hurt you even more.

    Do not ignore the lawsuit.  Show up in court, and file a request for all of the proof.  Do they have a signed contract?

  3. All you can probably do outside short of filing bankruptcy is to call and negogiate something you can afford.(sometimes they will drop the interest and the fees and lower your amount)  Try working a budget with them.  They dont want to settle on something with collection agencies where they only get pennies on the dollar.

    Please dont settle for one of those companies that will promise to get you off at 40 to 60 percent, they are a rip off.   (also they will taz you on the money they forgive you for) I almost got caught in one.  I talked to a lawyer(first visit is usually free)  We land up with Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

    Bad things happen to good people.

    A lot of companies will try scare tactics at first to get their monies.  Call their credit bureau and talk to someone there or in their collections department.

    By the way, if you negogiate something.  Get a lawyer to stop the suit.  We got that far and it cost us $50 to stop it.  He said we could've done it ourselves for free at the county clerks.  I only did cause I was on medication at the time and fuzzy headed and I let him do it.

  4. In Texas your wages CANNOT be garnished, that is a fact. Texas has very consumer friendly laws.

    Definetly go to the hearing. Do not admit to anything, challenge everything and make them prove their claims.

  5. I'm afraid you are going to be sued.

    Check out the link below for more info and links.

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