
Has anyone been through clearing in the UK?

by Guest65699  |  earlier

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I am an adult of 32 and unfortunately couldn`t finish my access course, due to my daughter being very ill in hospital. I had to finish the course with only 2 months left to do, but passed all my exams and assignments up to that date. Because i didn`t complete the course, i lost my conditional place at University. I am now thinking of applying to a different course of mental health nursing, using the clearing process. Has anyone been through this procedure, would i have a chance, especially without gaining the necessary qualifications?

Thanks to anyone who can help or give me some advice!




  1. Hi

    I went through clearing at Canterbury Christchurch uni, like you I am a mature student and had my access course.  I don't know how strict they are about you not having a completed course. I found that if there is a a vacancy on your chosen degree subject, and you can demonstrate your ability to study and commitment to the degree then they will give you the benefit of the doubt.

    I attended Kingston University after my access course and hated it, so i dropped out, then thought Uni wasn't for me but my friend convinced me to carry on so I then applied through clearing at CCCU.

    I applied very late, early September in fact, I was accepted straight away but went along to an interview to see if i liked the uni.  I did, and it was the best choice i ever made.  I love it!!

    Try applying, give it your best, convince them you have the drive and determination to get your degree and it was just unfortunate you had to drop out of your access course at the last minute.  If they have a place, they want it filled.

    Good luck and hope your daughters ok,


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