
Has anyone been through the Swiss Education system?

by Guest45045  |  earlier

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I'm researching it at the moment, and I'm having difficulty getting my head around it! Can anyone help me out?




  1. OK, the Swiss education system varies according to the canton you live in, but mainly you begin at about 5 or 6 with 1 or 2 years of pre-school (école enfantine) followed by 6 years of primary school (école primaire). Then you go to "le cycle" which may last from 2 to 4 years according to your abilities. Obligatory schooling ends at the age of 16. Then you either go "collège" or high school which leads on to University, or another parallel schooling system which leads to specialised training schools (like health or social studies) and a third option is an apprenticeship where you are employed part and go to school part time.

    Each of these schools may differ slightly and have a different name according to where you live. There may also be other options in other areas. Once one is in non-compulsory schooling each canton has its own system, although we shall shortly be voting for a unification of these systems.

    Hope this helps.

  2. No, but my children are in it. What the last poster said sounds about right, although the words are in German here and there are a few other differences. Switzerland is a very decentralized place! Do you have a more specific question?

    (I can't get my head around it much either.)

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