
Has anyone been to ANWR?

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I hear that ANWR is a cold desolate place that no one ever goes, has minimal wild life. Or is it this prisine wonderful place full of endangered animals we need to protect?.

Does anyone out there have first hand (2nd hand OK) experience. I'm tired of politicians talking through their hats




  1. Never been there. I do actually plan to go there one day and make a small video documentary on it.

    I have seen pictures though. It looks to be be quite beautiful indeed. NO development, highways, or industries.

    Plus you can see bits of video if you watch the oil on ice trailer at

    It's supposed to be pretty d**n cold though and most of the time has snow and ice all over. But it's home to so many species of animals. It would be a shame to level it for more oil.

    As harmful as it would be to drill the coastal plain I don't believe for a second they'd stop there.

  2. Some areas of alaska have wildlife and a nice environment, while lots of the rest due to the cold are desolate. This map shows where the new drilling would occur and where the refuge is etc


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