
Has anyone been to Berlin? I'm thinking of going there in Jan/Feb for 3 nights. Thoughts?

by Guest11035  |  earlier

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Please let me know your opinions, what the highlights are, things to do and see, restaurants etc! I've found a decent looking hotel but recommendations on accomm. would also be welcomed!




  1. For restaurants see this

  2. I`ve been there and was not very impressed. Not many sightseeing places, shopping is not so cheap. Why not go to France or Italy?

  3. Berlin is my most favourite city in the world - and I have travelled extensively over the years. There is so much to see and do. As for the main sights, I'd say these are the highlights:

    *Brandenburg Gate

    *Reichstag building (house of parliament)

    *Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche (memorial church - bombed by British in WWII)

    *Schloss Charlottenburg (royal palace built for the wife of Frederick I of Prussia in the early 1700s)

    *Checkpoint Charlie (former border checkpoint between East/West Berlin)

    *East Side Gallery (mile-long section of the Berlin Wall which was left in place during demolition as a memorial)

    *Olympia-Stadion (built for 1936 Olympics; renovated for and hosted 2006 FIFA World Cup final)

    *Siegessäule (victory column commemorating German (Prussian) victory over Denmark in 1864)

    *Potsdamer Platz (former border area wasteland during Cold War, now the nucleus of Berlin's entertainment and shopping facilities).

    *Weltzeituhr (world clock on Alexanderplatz)

    *Fernsehturm (TV Tower on Alexanderplatz)

    *Rotes Rathaus (Berlin city hall)

    *Haus der Kulturen der Welt

    *Berlin cathedral

    *Museumsinsel (museum island)

    *Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp (just north of Berlin in Oranienburg - former WWII n**i camp, now open to public as a memorial and museum)

    I have stayed at many hotels in Berlin and have never been disappointed with any of them. All German hotels tend to be of a high standard. I'd recommend that you look to stay somewhere in the Mitte area of the city as it contains or is close to many of Berlin's attractions. Another good area is in the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf area, particularly near to the boulevard Kurfürstendamm.

    For hotels in Berlin, check the following websites for the best prices:

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