
Has anyone been to Berlin?

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If yes, describe it in 1 sentence.....




  1. Yes I am in Berlin very often.  Many of my friends lives there - Berlin is a great & wonderful city, maybe a bit too loud & noisy, but a great place.    

    Myself, I am living in a small town near Hamburg, Germany.

  2. Been there a number of times.....this city rocks !

  3. After Dresden, Berlin was the best.

  4. Cultural, metropolitan, busy, gray, stiffling, beautiful, fun, cold, interesting, international.

    (sorry, not a sentence)

  5. Cool man.    I spend sometime hangin with you baby.  I love leftist, Lib Germans.  Berlin is the place.....

  6. Das wunderbar.

  7. I have & it has very historical locations, serious locations, pubs, read several books on them before leaving or bring them with you.

    Have a great trip!

  8. It is really a beautiful and exciting place to be!

  9. I have been to Berlin and I enjoyed visiting Checkpoint Charlie, Federal government area, and the Gate.

  10. which berlin? ive been to berlin,pa. it was great..

  11. It's  exciting !

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