
Has anyone been to Haggerston Castle Haven park , I've heard mixed reviews?

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We normally go abroad to the Thomsons Superfamily hotels but I have an 8week old baby,as well as a 7 and 4 year old . . . thought it might be a bit early to take the baby abroad.

Still want a to get away though, thought Haven parks might be the answer . . . but I'm concerned about the standards!!!




  1. Haven parks are in my opinion, cramped, expensive and noisy. I would avoid them with small kids like yours. My advice would be to try and get in to a smaller independent park rather than a Haven one - once they've got you there they can really fleece you! Haggerston Castle is huge too but i guess if you want all the facilities, those are the kind of places you have to go. I'm sure Northumberland has more to offer than that place though!

    If you're used to going on a Thomsons Superfamily holiday, then there's no reason why you shouldn't take the baby. I travelled with mine at 11 weeks without any problems.

    try getting reviews at - they're written by the people who've stayed at them and are v. honest.

    btw, I too live in Northumberland and the other answerer is spot on - there are much nicer places to go than that. I've just got back from Highburn House at Wooler which is nice for tent camping.

  2. As the other 2 posts suggest, Haven sites are bloomin' awful. I live in Cornwall, and know one, or two down here that I would definitely avoid. They are also very expensive too, and again, I know many small family run sites that charge half the price of Haven.

    My Friend from "up Country" visited us last year, and stayed at the Haven site in Perranporth. It was crowded, noisy,the facilities were poor, but expensive, and she paid £900 for the week. She was burgled, and kept awake most nights by late revellers, and to cap it all off, it pi$$ed down for the entire week. All in all she wasn't impressed, and reckons the site resembled the huge Council estate she had hoped to get away from. (over 1000 vans packed closely together) She now stays at a small family run site nearer to me, for half the price. try googling the name of the site, and ask for guest reviews, as Holiday watchdog usually keep an eye on comments made by guests. Good luck!!! (you may need it!!)

    I found this one for you, it has mixed reviews.

  3. well i've been to Haggerston Castle, but we stayed in a privately owned caravan on the shore of a little lake, with swans, and it was FANTASTIC. We didn't make much use of the facilities, but they seemed OK to me!

  4. I live in Northumberland, and have visited Haggerston on numerous occasions - everytime I've been there, I get the same thought running through my head; that I've died and gone to h**l !!! The place is truly horrendous, it's simply too large and consequently mobbed, they've got a swimming pool which is standing room only and I've never come across sooo many wasps in one location ever !! Don't do it !!

    Northumberland in my opinion is one of the most beautiful places in the county and you've made a wise choice.

    Seafield Park at Seahouses is absolutely divine, though you do have to book quite a way in advance.  has quite good links for accommodation within the area.

    Try googling Beadnell and Hauxley for accommodation as well, they're both fantastic spots and do have caravan sites.

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