
Has anyone been to Ireland ?

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Where are you rom?

What do you think of us?

Do you think things are expensive here?

What do you think of the weather?

What do you think of our public transport?

What do you think of the facilities in general and the availability of things to do for fun?

Anything else you like about us? or hate about us? or anything else you find unique or unusual about us?




  1. Where are you from?

    Co. Kildare

    What do you think of us?

    I think we're pretty nice people! Lol

    Do you think things are expensive here?

    Yes, the economy is very bad! I hear we're going to hit a slump this Christmas = (

    What do you think of the weather?

    s**+te - it's raining right now, and my neighbour has a fire lit [I can see the smoke coming out of the chimney]! It's April; Springtime, it's meant to be nice!

    What do you think of our public transport?

    It's okay, I usually take Dublin Bus and it's pretty good! But I'm too afraid to use the Nightlink : I've heard awful things about it!

    What do you think of the facilities in general and the availability of things to do for fun?

    They could be better for youths; the town councils need to pull themselves together and get a move on! A lot of the time they promise things and years later they're still not there!

    Anything else you like about us? or hate about us? or anything else you find unique or unusual about us?

    I agree with KG, we are very welcoming and friendly!

    But a lot of the population have a bad attitude towards foreign immigrants, which is a pity, I think!

    = )

  2. from PA

    slightly expensive, depends on the economy. I havent been for a few years.

    Weather ok... i went in summer, it was mostly nice, rained twice.

    Public transport was easy enough to get around

    fun things.. i enjoyed dublin and the guiness factory the most, but also the countryside was great. Make your own fun.

    Hail to Ireland.

  3. *Where are you rom?: Belgium!

    *What do you think of us?: Cool accent ;)

    *Do you think things are expensive here?: Nope, I've been to Penneys, my god, I've bought there an enourmous amout of clothes, for only 153euro, i think if i bought that amount in belgium, i would have spent 1000euro!

    *What do you think of the weather?:Weather sucks though, but in Belgium it does too!

    *public transport: Cool busses :d wish we had them too!

    *Fun: U2 is fun! And it is cool to see how you adore your worldfamous writers! Enourmous library, i melted of joy when i stepped foot in one of them.. heaven!

    *Anything else: I am going to live In Ireland for sure, I just love, no adore the scenery! My God, give me more!

  4. I was in Dublin back in October 2007 and I am from the US. I was quite pleased and didn't want to leave. Getting citizenship there is hard! The cost was a bit more than here in the Midwest but it was well worth it. The weather was about the same as it was here at the time...55-60 degrees F. I didn't use the public transportation but opted to walk everywhere instead (bad move). I had a blast there. Trinity College, Dublin Castle, The Temple Bar District, The Haypenny Bridge. It was fantastic!

    That about sums it up. I found you all very personable and enjoyed the conversation. Where I'm from people are fairly conceited. I'm looking forward to my next trip there. Any suggestions for another destination?

  5. Nope Srry

  6. See Kiwi above.Word for word

  7. YES

    im from minnesota

    no it seamed good priced

    its a little cold 4 me

    public transport was good

    yea i had a blast

    I love the natural red heads, sheep and accents

  8. My dad has never really known where he came from (he wasnt an orphan or anything, but records were burned). He swears though, that there must be some Irish blood in me because of how much I love it. i have pictures up all over my room, i have all the folklore, i've learned so much about it because i think Ireland is the most amazing place. Irish music doesn't even have words to describe it, it's so beautiful. For graduation my dad is going to take me there for the summer, and i plan to go to Trinity college.

  9. Yes, I have because I'm Irish.

    Where are you rom? Donegal

    What do you think of us? We're great!

    Do you think things are expensive here? Not so much in Donegal and the north but Dublin was very expensive when I lived there.

    What do you think of the weather? It's c**p but I love it!

    What do you think of our public transport? Donegal it's bad because there isn't much of it but in Dublin it's ok but the buses were always late.

    What do you think of the facilities in general and the availability of things to do for fun? Very Good actually.

    Anything else you like about us? or hate about us? or anything else you find unique or unusual about us? I like our welcoming personalities. There's not much I hate about us and the unique thing is probably that no one speaks the native language, unlike other countries!

    = )

  10. i am from ireland :) dublin

    yes things have gotten very expensive over here but we arent the most expensive country in europe..eating out and going to clubs are expensive

    the weather in winter is ok..its rainy and cold with temperatures around 5-7 degress celcius.

    at the moment our weather is very poor it has been raining all day unfortunatly

    our summer is ok..its around 20 degrees celcuis and sometimes higher

    our public transport to me is very poor..buses are never on time.

    we have the luas which is only in a certain area and we have the dart which runs along the coast of dublin .

    theres plenty to do in ireland we have some great parks and museums.great shops loads of pubs restaurants and nightclubs plenty of fun in dublin:)

    we have some stupid people out there who drink to much and start fights .its dangerous at night but its the same everywhere..we have alot of rascim

  11. France

    not that bad- a lot of drinking and fighting on the street.

    ts wet but i think its ok, cold though.

    public transport is fine I think in DUblin region

    well- i am not too utdoors so I cant really answer to the question. I do think most of what people need is available.

    I found it hard to get an apartmen or house to rent here, Irish people are kind of strange in that. We have to visit tens of houses and they never call back to say whatsoever. I found that knd of disrespectful.

    unique: there are less arrogancy than other rich countries and i think that is a big quality for irish.

  12. no i did not sorry.

  13. Yes I have, from the US. I had a good time, most people were very nice. Plan on returning.

    Cost - Fairly expensive, but that is mostly due to the exchange rate. I live in a city in the US - all cities are expensive, it wasn't that big a problem, I just watched my pennies/euros/pence carefully.

    Weather - not too bad. Many kept apologizing for it which was nice of them, but it wasn't that bad. I have actually seen much worse. I dressed for it so I was fine. Rain and wind I can handle.

    Public transport was fine, a little thin in more remote areas, but not a problem. Ireland is a compact country, not too hard to traverse.

    Facilities - fine, everything closes a bit early, but  then again - it is not a 24/7 type of place. I liked the pace of life there. Lots to do.

    Nothing to hate, much to like. I liked Ireland overall; my only complaint is that I do wish that some of the younger generation would not embrace anti-American views without thought quite so warmly. I don't mind people not agreeing with the US government - I don't agree with it myself. But don't turn a political difference into a rude stereotype of another's culture. Think about how you would like to be treated on holiday in another land. I did not have much of a problem myself with anti Americanism - but friends of mine have. For no real reason. That is not something to be proud of. Just made me sad. I guess all countries have a bit of that.

    I like the way the new cultures are growing in Ireland, Dublin especially. I hope the new growth is well developed and that they have continued prosperity - Ireland deserves  it's success - they had little but grief for so long.

  14. i have and u guys a pimpin  the weather is ok transport is excellent   playin pranks              u guys are hood in a good excellent way         i found a tokay gecko there you know the blue and red geckos and he's mean if u see them are they all mean hes 3 1/2 years old and very fat and very mean chow

  15. Yes, I was born and live in Ireland.

    I've lived in other countries, and the Irish are a little odd - something to do with living on an island, I think. Things are expensive here, compared to other countres. The weather is nuts, I love it until I need to work outside, then I'm effin and blindin. The public transport system is slowly improving, but it could be a lot better. As I said, I have lived in other countries where public transport is much better maintained and used by people from all walks of life. Things to do for fun? Depends on what you mean by fun ... I like a nice meal in a nice restaurant, then to go out with friends and maybe go dancing, and there's no shortage of that, even where I live in the west. I do think there should be more structured and supervised activities for teenagers, though.

    What I dislike about some Irish is the reluctance to accept that differences can be good, that people of colour are not automatically bad (only SOME Irish have this awful attitude, may I stress that it isn't widespread). What I do like is, despite the reputation for religious piety, in private many people are surprisingly open about lifestyles and personal choices.

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