
Has anyone been to NARS for railroad training?

by Guest57491  |  earlier

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I have been to NARS for conductor training,and though I learned a lot,passed the test and meet other criteria for employment,BNSF only hired women and minorities out of my class.I would NOT reccomend anyone pay to go there,based on what I know now about BNSF hiring practices,unless they are minorities or military.I have been to interviews for other railroads,and NARS was actually to my disadvantage.If you have any questions about NARS,it has become a good subject on warned,your chances of BNSF employment are limited if you reek of white skin and are male.




  1. Yep, I agree.

    I have been told that RR's dont consider this as valid training and you still have to go through their own program.

    All is demonstrates to a hiring officer of a railroad is a desire to go to work in the industry.

    Have you thought about a s*x change op?

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