
Has anyone been to a nude beach? What was the experience like?

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My friends are dragging me to a nude beach near San Diego this weekend. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous. Is it mandatory you have to take your clothes off? I mean otherwise the naked people will just think you're a pervert if you're clothed. Are people nice at nude beaches? Overall was the experience positive or negative?




  1. I've never actually been to one myself, but I saw this tv show about them once (oh gosh- now I sound like a pervert!) and it was full of fat old men perving over young women.  Go of you want to but keep your bikini on if you feel uncomfortable.

  2. I stumbled upon a nude beach once in Perth,Australia..Was actually having a picnic with family so it was pretty awesome stumbling upon naked,wrinkly,saggy old people..had nightmares after that..Then there was another one in Thailand and AGAIN,pruny old people prancing naked..I guess the older u are,the more intense need to get naked in if u like fat,saggy grannys and grandpas take off your pants and head to one!

  3. I say dont go you will feel better about your self. what is wrong with modisty these days . every one is almost naked at the beach anyhow . not much different and if you dont think the people with ther cloths off are not pervs you are fooling your self. I guess it is a matter of do you want to see other people naked . you know what you look like so arey you interested in looking at other people naked and if so who is the perv.  see what I am saying . God loves the modest and the meek , ask your mom and dad what they think you should do.

  4. We go to nude beaches as often as we can. Even got married on one.

    You can remain in a bathing costume until you get used to it, but if you're dressed and staring, you'll p**s people off.

    People are usually very nice at nude beaches, as there's a sense of community. Find a place on the beach that is well mixed, and everyone seems to have even tans. Those would be the regulars.

    We love the feel of the breeze and sun on all of our skin.

  5. Nude/clothing Optional beaches are great. I find the people there are way more nice than the textile counter parts.

    You do not have to undress, but most people find themselves a bit awkward when they are the only one wearing something. Kind of like being the only one naked in a room with clothed people.

    It is usually very relaxing and the feeling of being naked with nature is just awesome.

    Most people who try it, never want to wear a swimsuit again.



  6. I went to a nude beach once but nobody told me it was fat people day.  I left pretty quickly and went home and wretched.  Not a typical experience I hear but it seems to be my luck.

  7. People at a nude beach are nicer because their is a sense of vulnerability I think. When people wear even the smallest article of clothing they are thinking about what they look like and who is looking at them.  Once you are naked you can just enjoy the experience and focus more on people's personalities. Every beach should be clothing optional.

  8. Hi

    Yes I've been to a few nude beaches. If possible I always go to a nude beach. If I can't find one I go to the beach find a reasonably quite place and go nude anyway. In New zealand beaches and clubs are clothes optional, so you are not forced to strip off, but of course most people, including me do strip. At a nude beach you meet all sorts of people, yes fat, thin, tall, short, but the ones I've met have all been really neat people. The best beaches are definitely nude beaches.

  9. I was at a nude beach in St Martin.  All of the beaches there are "clothing optional" but there was an area that was "nude only".  You'll have to check and see which this one is.  I gotta tell you, I was really, REALLY uncomfortable at first.  I spent a long time in the water.  Finally, I started to realize that most of the people are not great-looking and built like models.  In fact, some were downright sloppy!  They didn't seem to care one bit.  After a while (and several cocktails) I loosened up a bit.

  10. yes, i've actually been to the nude beach near san diego.   there were lots of naked people, both old and young (though more old than young, in truth).  it's okay to stay all or partially dressed, but take off your clothes if you's kind of a thrill, and you won't have any tan lines!

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