The reason i ask is because i want to send my daughter there but i have been sent a prospectus and the fees are like £315 per term!!! Eeek! I am on a low income and this seems a lot to me for 90 minuites a week...which is all the 3-6 year old recieve, or even 3 hours per week...which is what the 7 and ups recieve. Also, it seems strange that they don't reward the kids talent...the prospectus says they reward the kids efforts ONCE a year!?! To me this seems like a way for them to cut costs and nothing more, i mean children's efforts should be rewarded everytime they do something important, such as a production...if not just with a certificate, don't you think? Then there is the reward you get if you attend for 10 years? 10 YEARS??? Jesus! It should be at least given once a year. Also, it's not clear if the younger kids classes are cheaper because they recieve less tuition as i only have 1 set of prices which is for 6 years up, but the booklet says that 6 years is still the junior stage?