
Has anyone been to st eulalia, ibiza spain? what did you think of the town?

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when did you go? how long did you stay? did youstay in a hotelor with friends/relatives? what did you think of the shopping, restaurants, etc? your over all opinion is....? thanks!!!




  1. I'm from Ibiza and I live in Puig D'en Valls (Sta Eulalia).

    The main feature of Sta Eulalia is its peace. Is a tourist place, it has a lot of restaurants, shops etc and also you are a little bit away from the madness of clubs and pubs of Ibiza Town.

    You just need to take bus and you will be having fun in Ibiza Town or San Antonio...

    Go to this page, you will find more information about Santa Eulalia.

    Sorry for my English...

    Good Luck!!

    Greetings from Spain!!

  2. I stayed in st antonio with my uncle however my grandmother stayed in st eulalia and in a apartment on the waterfront which was perfect. That place is good however if you intend on going to ibiza you should drop pass Cala Salada and walk right from the beach you see in front and walk over those rocks and just before you have to climb down a sort of ridge and before that ridge jump off the rock its super fun me and my brother did it from 10am-11pm on two days

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