
Has anyone been to the Birmingham NIA before?

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I'm going for the first time.. TONIGHT. I've been to the NEC before. I was wondering if people are allowed to take their own food and drink and if cameras were allowed?

Do they search bags?

Just a few basic questions. I've tried to search them up and on the website, to no avail. Thankyou.




  1. food and drink i'm not sure..... cameras i think u can but they dont like u using recordable devices, although they dont stop you from using them

  2. what band you seeing? Yeah you might get searched..your not allowed no..but i risked it and got away with it

    ah cool...I saw the police there..enjoy your night, and if you have to take a camera in, just put it in your pocket

  3. Yeah, they search bags but not thoroughly. They will just open it up and check you don't have a knife or something in there. Last time I went there was a sign on the door saying not to bring camera's in, so I just shoved it in my shoe x] Just take food and drink and say it's for a medical condition like diabetes, then they will let you take it in :) Hope you have fun!!

  4. Last time I was there, I managed to get food and drink in. They searched my bag but they were looking for cameras and for some reason, hot water flasks. Both of which they were confiscating. This was for an all day event though (International Badminton tournament).

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