
Has anyone been to the "Thank God for Evolution" seminars given by Michael Dowd & Connie Barlow?

by Guest61482  |  earlier

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I am very interested in seeing how science and spirituality complement each other. Wondering how many people have been to a seminar and what they thought of it.

"These are not the End Times for humanity, they are just the beginning! Earth is billions of years old, and we only emerged a few million years ago, a geological blink of an eye. Fossils were not put here to test our faith; they were left behind by a divine creative process that made everything we experience around us and within us. Fossils teach us faith by showing proof positive of the grace that has guided us safely through deep time to the present moment." - Michael Dowd




  1. ^^Or proper spelling and grammar.^^

    I have not heard them myself, but they are my basic beliefs as a Christian and a geologist.

    There is no reason to believe that an omnipotent God is not the driving force behind evolution. In fact, its a lot sillier to believe in some book written by men, than to believe in what is directly in front of you.

    Why would God allow man to evolve wisdom, intellect and reason if they were not intended to be used?

  2. nope cuz i dont believe in evolution

  3. I read his book out of curiosity.  And he also has another website (before he wrote the book) - link below.  The book was 'heady,' and I was hoping for a timeline explanation, but his website has that instead.  

    It's interesting because he was formerly anti-evolutionist in his thought, but then researched it more and came to the conclusion that God used evolution.  I am interested because it does appear that the fossils show a very ancient earth, but at the same time, the current population of 6.5 billion people would be about right for an earth that began about 6000 years ago.  

    I am open-minded, I try not to form opinions until the facts are irrefutable.  I can certainly see God creating the heavens and earth in 6 days, and I can also see that He may have set all the universal laws in place which led to the creation of man.  He can see the end from the beginning, so why not?

    Job 9:10 "Which does great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number."

    Romans 11:34 "Who has known the mind of the Lord?"

  4. I just shudder at the name.

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