
Has anyone been told they have a cyst, but it turns out they were pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i have heard stories of people having ultrasounds and the doctor finding a cyst, but then a week or so later they miss a period and find out they are pregnant. so the doctor has mistaken a cyst for a sack.

has this happened to anyone as i am TTC but have never had painful periods or irregular periods and have been told there is a cyst on the endometrium. i know i am probably getting ahead of my self, but i was just curious.




  1. my mum was told i was a cyst ......hehe

    quite common

  2. What happens is, they are not far enough along to see the baby, if they aren't looking for it...but, when you are pregnant it is very normal to have ovarian cysts the first trimester of your pregnancy.  It happened with both of mine, and this is what my doctor told me.

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