
Has anyone been truly embarrassed they want to hide.?

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Has anyone ever had something they have done that's so embarrassing that cant seem to ever live down years later.I have a a few that still haunt me to this day...I can laugh now about them not then...




  1. I live in denial most of the time so I don't care to acknowledge embarrassments from the past.  

  2. I have definitely had some embarassing moments in life but I can't recall feeling like I could never live it down. I do have regrets that I would not talk about from long ago but not feel I can't live it down. I guess because I am a pretty forgiving person and also I don't give a rip if I embarass myself by being goofy or what is too short to sweat the small stuff and most of it is small stuff.

  3. hi , just me .

    i really haven't been too embarrassed by things . i have had teeny incidents happen , but i just hold my head high and plug on , lol

    take care . d.

  4. Yes, but I had forgotten about it until just now lol.

  5. Yes, there were a large group of people at the rear of the local saloon; wishing to look cool I pulled in, rapped my pipes a little, turned the engine off, threw a leg over to dismount, let go of the handlebars and *ka-plunk* over she went. I had forgotten to put the kickstand down.

    ~Born to be mild~

  6. yea jajjaja

    i still wont say what

  7. Yes! Very recently! I went abroad to follow my boyfriend. He invited me to live in his house only to realize that he got a woman sleeping in his room!

    I am not laughing over it. I am agonizing. It is very embarrassing. If I have only known that he is having a relationship with another woman, then I should have not come. The whole church knew of the situation! I felt very embarrassed that I want to hide for eternity!

  8. I thing everyone has at one time or another, God spare be any more blushes.

  9. One that springs to mind is when I was walking past a pub in 4" high heels and a very tight (round the bottom edge) skirt and some fellas started cat calling. I minced past and my skirt (which I had borrowed from by mum, unbeknown to her) it fell round my ankles! I was only 15 and had no underslip on! So I just stepped out of it (with very red face) picked it up and darted round the nearest corner and put it back on and had to walk all the way home clutching the waistband very tightly, as the button had come off!

    Can laugh at it now, 50 years on, but was excruciatingly embarrassed at the time!

  10. Oh, you bet . . something that happened in first grade and involved a boy in my class.   Very innocent, but embarrassing all the same.   I still blush when I think of it and I still won't tell you and all here what it was - -LOL

  11. who cares. no one lives forever to talk about it.  

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