
Has anyone bought an item from

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this website say they have wiis for sale i was just wondering if anyones bought from them yet and are they a legitimate business i see they also have wiis for auction on ebay. they are advertised in todays sun newspaper




  1. we bought a sat nav and was told r money will be refunded but have a guess we got stung and thanks to the sun paper we've lost money .so you can put anything in that paper because they dont check it

  2. Yeah we bought from this site after seeing the newspaper add and hae been stung for the full price of the wii have been on to worldpay with no success of refund and cannot get a hold of cheaper4you by either fone or email but believe have been shut don as of yesterday.  Not sure if we will receive a refund or not totally cheesed off to say the least.

    I have of today 7/12/07 contacted the sun newspaper  helpdesk and informed them of what has happened they  told me that there legal team is looking into the problem and has urged me to tell other people involved to contact them to as they want to speak to as many people involved to help look into the case.

  3. I have ordered a ps3 from them the money has come out of my account and i received a confirmation email with order number but i have been ringing them all morning and no one answers so im keeping my fingers crossed.

    I have been ringing and emailing them for days now with no answer. I have contacted the sun and they say they cannot get hold of them now either. It is looking more and more like a scam. I have contacted my bank but i dont think i will get a refund as i paid by debit card.

  4. Never heard of them but they aren't especially cheap.  All the items on the front page are RRP.

  5. Lots and lots of unhappy people on the Amazon forums all ordered Wii and seem to have lost out. Don't touch them with a barge pole

  6. doesnt look good.

    I ordered 3 wii's, they have taken the money but no email back about order confirmation or delivery.

    Tried emailing and tried ringing, nothing!

    I think i best contact my card issuer and see if i can get anything back! :@

  7. You might like to check out the blog posting on they run the shopping cart system that hosts this site.

  8. DO NOT BUY>  TOTAL SCAM> did it myself out of desparation for the kids.  now with FRAUD SQUAD with halifax bank and POLICE. contact me if need be at   Great idea.  Horrific people.  Stupid me!! just wanted to get it for the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I bought two items last friday but have recieved non.I got a confirmation from them that they recieved my payment.

  10. I am keeping my fingers crossed on this one as I have hopefully just purchased an item from them and am waiting on delivery - so will let you know ...

  11. Don't bother with them, I bought a mobile phone on 01/12/07, then when I went back onto the website as I hadn't received the phone by 05/12/07, they had then put the message up about errors with the bank accounts (load of c**p) I've tried to ring them but they don't answer and I'm still waiting for my refund.

  12. Be careful on this one. I was looking into it a few days ago after I saw them advertising the link on ebay and thought it was too good to be true. The address that they gave on the website was in paisley in Scotland, I looked up the address on the internet and it was a buisness address for a cleaning firm or something, that address has now been removed from their website....why would they do that if it was ligitimate??? Also the ebay name is registered in Derbyshire.....280 miles away from where they're supposed to be based. I've also read on a forum somewhere that someone had checked the company number and that it didn't exist.

    So be careful guys, I would stay well clear if I were you. Maybe I'm wrong, (and I hope I am for those who have purchased from them) but it just seems a bit suspicious to me.

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