
Has anyone bought the ez-battery fix on e bay and does it work if you have or is it just a scam

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Has anyone bought the ez-battery fix on e bay and does it work if you have or is it just a scam




  1. I would bet it's a scam.  The only battery that could be fixed is a NiCad that has a memory problem from being charged too often before it's discharged properly.  There aren't many.  I used to work for an outfit dealt with hundreds of rechargeable batteries.  It had a $2,000 battery analyzer to rejuvenate batteries.  Only a very small percentage could be brought back to life.  Any battery fixer that is inexpensive isn't going to do any better.  The other battery types, Li-Ion and NiMH don't get memories and aren't applicable to rejuvenation.  



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