
Has anyone caught Leno?

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Just wondering if anyone figured out who "graphite" is





  1. haha..I just remember he said his intitials were AS...i was thinking Arnold...the guy that was married to Roseann...but I can't remember the last name

    ETA>>>didn't he say the show he would be on is next week..Larry the Cable Guy was on the following night...dork was online

  2. i was thinking the same thing. if he is who he says he is, do you really think he would tell?

  3. Ok, I looked up the guests from last week...just couldn't resist and here is who appeared (guys that is).

    * Larry the Cable Guy (he appeared everyday)

    * Andrea Bocelli  

    *Russel Crowe

    * Russel Peters (never heard of him but it says he is a comic)

    *Glen Hansard (singer from "Once")

    * Willie Nelson

    *Mat Damon (just kidding)

    So, all things considered IF he were tellin' the truth I'd put my money on Larry the Cable Guy!

    eta-i forgot he said his initials were a.s.  

    Arnold Swartzneggar?  Ha! Ha!

    How about Adam Sandler?

  4. I think he made an unannounced special guest appearance as the famous comic strip star, Ziggy.

  5. I'm betting that he's the janitor

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