
Has anyone checked the earth's magma temp? Is it getting hotter?

by Guest62353  |  earlier

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Maybe all of the water we are pumping out of the ground is raising the temperature of the earths core?

This would also explain all of the earthquakes...





  2. Clearly more research needs to be done to address this issue.  The consensus is that earthquakes are bad and mainly caused by human activity.

  3. You have brought up one of the many factors that make up an incredibly complex system of global atmospheric conditions.  Anybody who says that man is causing global warming has to be either disingenuous in their true motives or incredibly naive to believe that they have a handle on everything that impacts our global climate.

  4. I have heard that because we are stealing all of the core dwellers water, that the under ground society is causing all of the surface dwellers catastrophes.

  5. The temperature of the Earth's interior layers is falling, and has been since the planet formed. Most of the heat inside the planet is there because not enough time has passed since the formation of the planet for it to cool down. Also, to some extent the radioactive decay of naturally ocurring isotopes in the planet's interior generate some heat, which keeps it warm. But in general, the interior of the planet is cooling, and will continue to do so over billions of years.

    This has no effect whatsoever on global warming, which is a man-made atmospheric phenonenon, due to the emissions of greenhouse gases. These absorb heat radiated from the surface of the Earth, instead of letting it escape into space.

    Nothing humans could do at present of in the forseeable future, could affect the internal geology of the planet in any meaningful way. We live on a very, very thin layer of rock floating on a very deep sea of magma, and all human activity takes place on the surface of this layer. Pumping water out of the ground might create water shortage issues for us, but the actual physical structure of the planet would not be affected in the least.

    And the incidence of earthquakes isn't increasing. They have always happened, and will continue to happen, pretty much at the same rate. The longer you live, the more you see.

  6. The extra info is wrong but i'll tell you the right answer.

    The water we are pumping is naturally refined in the soil and comes from the precipitation falling to earth.

    Also, the earthquakes are due to the tectonic plates that form the earth's crust. As they move, they affect everything on them.

    Answer to question:

    Yes there are scientists that measure temperatures in volcanoes around the world. Daily or every 2 weeks these scientists take measurements of the temperature. Yes it is getting hotter.

  7. The earth is actually not really magma except when it rises from the subducting plates.  The mantle is very hot but due to pressure is crystalline (solid not liquid).  The water we are removing is literally much less than a drop in the bucket.  It is getting cooler, but it will take hundreds of millions of years before you would notice.

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