
Has anyone competing in UK NAS martial arts tournament found the rules very strange?

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It is a light / non contact tournament, and yet I have competed successfully in the full / semi tournments before. You are told not to make contact, and yet how can yo make the attack look effective unless it manages to put your opponent off his stride? Also, there are many kickboxers / karate exponents there. No problem with that, I have 20 years karate exp. but wanted to try wing chun kung fu and some elements of karate, mix the styles up a bit. Despite me doing well I feel, when I won tournaments before it was because I risked getting disqualified, I would go in quite hard, not to hurt my opponent but to dictate how the fight would go. I seem to have no idea in NAS!! Also in the forms I find it hard to believe all the judges know TKD, Tang Soo Do, Karate, Tai Chi forms - again, I can't seem to get amongst the high places. It is a shame because I love competing but certainly do not want MMA / UFC style tourneys ! Any thoughts? Thanks




  1. yeah no contact's a tricky thing.. i mean what do they want, jackie chan acrobatics?!

  2. I'm guessing its the same as the NAS in australia, or at least similar, and yes... it IS an odd set of rules... but if thats all ya got, then I suppose... thats all you got. Haha.

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