
Has anyone completed a Bsc Animal behaviour course in the uk?

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if so which university or college did you go to and did you get the option to study a lot of canine behaviour, what about Phd research into canine behaviour are there any opportunities to do this?




  1. You would be much better of with a degree in zoology/biology, taking options in animal behaviour as you go. You will study the underlying aspects of behaviour across a wide range of animals.

    You could then go on to do a masters degree, e.g. there is one at Edinburgh University vet school in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare - this would allow you to study dogs in more detail. Maybe after that a PhD.

    If I were serious, that's the route I would choose.

  2. I'm not sure it is tricky isn't it? Ignore that thick cow Jojo. I want to do zoology then move on a specific animal behaivour degree.

  3. no

    what a ridiculous qualification. its courses like these that are completely de-valuing degrees. why dont you do a ba in fairy studies. or a bsc in spending-taxpayers-money-on-worthless-cr...

  4. Looked at Hartpury's entrance requirements.

    They ask for English at GCSE (What? No maths for a science related degree?) And two passes at A2.

    Obviously a very demanding course.

  5. Have a look at Hartpury, I have friends there that rate it high.

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