
Has anyone completed a government run course ( in Australia )?

by  |  earlier

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I enrolled in an Aged Care Course 2 months ago.It was advertised in the local paper as: free and to commence soon.

However, every time I have rung up to enquire how soon it will start i basically get the run around. It was meant to start in June, the postponed to July and now they said August definitely.

I undestand they need a certain amount of people but what I would like to know is: are there any people on YA7 who have done a government run course. How happy were you with the outcome..did you end up getting employment out of it?




  1. You can do this course at Tafe

    if you are unemployed Centerlink will arrange payment.

  2. Yes I did. Back in April, I did Certificate II in Call Centre. I am currently employed in this field but when I had the opportunity to do the course for free I was very excited. The reason why I did this course is because my current job is casual and I wanted to have formal qualifications should anything happen and I had to look for another job.

  3. I wanted to do one as well and had the same issues you had.

    At the end they told me that they can not do the course currently because they have exceeded their quota.

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