
Has anyone confronted an abuser? How did they repond?

by  |  earlier

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Ie, from physical abuse and so on.




  1. Who is being abused?  Is it a child, or a friend of yours, or you?  Each of the above would require a different answer, but in general, it is not a good idea to confront an abuser.  Call the appropriate agency (Children and Youth, Women in Crisis, the Police) and let the professionals handle it.  If it is you, your best bet is to get away and keep yourself safe.  Abuse is not something that goes away or gets better.  Trust me on this one -- it only gets much worse.

    If you are talking about a child, then you, as a responsible adult, needs to ensure the safety of that child.  Children depend on us to keep them safe from harm.  Don't wait another minute -- call your county children and youth service and report the abuse.  Making the police aware of this is also a good idea.

    If this is a friend of yours, than talking to them will not work.  The recipients of domestic abuse need help themselves before they can leave a dangerous situation, and stay away.  

    This type of problem is extremely complicated, and the abuser seldom, if ever, is open to anything you would have to say.  They never see themselves as abusers, and become extremely violent and aggressive in protecting the secrecy of their actions.


  2. confronted my abuser finaly ( my hubby )  when i reached that point where i decided to take no more ... by kicking the @#!^ out of him ... after i stopped preventing him from leaving the house he responded by crying and running away at high speed like the coward he was.

    highly satisfying therapy for me.

  3. i almost killed one. i cant stand people who are s*x affenders and or hit women.

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